Chapter 12: Back Again (Part 2)

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I lay on the snow covered ground, crying on Vincent's chest as snow begins to fall. " don't leave me...please...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry.." I clench onto his dark grey jacket. I start to hear wolves howling near by, I hold Vincent close to me as they get closer when I feel a hand on mine. "(Y-Y/N)?..." I gasp as I look down to see Vincent looking up at me, weakly. "Vincent! Oh my god! Thank god!!" I pull him into a tight hug and kiss his forehead. "Ow...ow..e-easy (Y/N)...are you..are you alright? Are you hurt?..." he gently placed his hand on my cheek, wiping a few tears away. I shake my head and hold Vincent's hand. "Yeah...I'm fine..I-I just...I just I thought I lost you weren't moving or anything. You really scared me.." I start to cry again and he struggles to sit up. "Hey..hey it's okay....I-I'll die for's my job to protect you and well I really care about you. I'm sorry I scared you...I didn't mean too.." He brushes a few strands of hair out of my face as we remain on the ground for a little while long.

(~Time Skip~)

I walk into Vincent's room with a cup of hot tea and see him standing at the foot of his bed. "Vincent, what are you doing up? You need to be resting." I set the cup of hot tea on his nightstand as I help him to his bed. "I-I know I just I'm worried about you..." he sits on the bed and looks up at me. "I know...I'm just shocked that William was you...all I care about right now is you, Vincent. You could of died back there.." I sit next to him as he nods. "Yeah I could have, but whether I die or not, keeping you alive is my job." He looks away, but I cup his face and turn his head towards me. "Well I don't want you to die. I want you here and now. I want you remain alive and to stay that way, Vincent. You maybe my Guardian Angel but I will not accept you dying." I look into his eyes as his own widen for a moment before looking away, sighing. "We can't do this again..." he gently pulls my hands away from his face. "Do what?" I raise a brow not fully understanding. "We can't kiss again. Whatever is going on between needs to stop." He closes his eyes as if he really regretted what he just said. I lower my glaze. "Why do we have too?...Are humans and angels not aloud to be together or just be around each other without being protected??..." I slowly glance up at him as he remains silent for a few moments, nodding. "It's against the rules...Angel's are forbidden to fall in love with mortals...but it still happens. Angel's falling in love with mortals, it's a weakness to most beings." He rests his arms on his legs and looks down at the floor. My heart starts to ache as I sit cross-legged on his bed. "It's forbidden?....s-since when? Why did it become forbidden?...Has it always been this way or...?" I stare at Vincent as his gaze remains on the floor. "A long time ago, there was this one angel. Her name was, Cordila. She was a strong and loyal guardian....then something happened. She fell in love with a man who god himself has warned her about. He was no gentleman nor was he a believer of God. He believed in...someone else very unfriendly to humans and angels." He glances up at me. "L-Lucifer??" I whispered, he nodded. "Once this man found out about her being an angel, he tricked her into making her think he was kind and in love with her. In the end her wings ended up being ripped from her back and was beaten to death by that satanic bastard...after that God made the rule that no Angel should ever be hurt again...and that it is forbidden to love a mortal..." His gaze drops back down to the floor. I held my cross in my hand, shocked. "That poor girl....wh-why would someone do that?!" I start getting a bit worked up from what I've heard, he only shrugs.

(~Vincent's POV~)
I watch (Y/N) leave my room a few moments after I told her the story why we are not aloud to be with mortals anymore. My heart aches as if it started cracking. I know why it was aching, I'm falling for her when I'm not aloud to be, but every time I'm around her, the feeling becomes stronger. 'Damnit Vincent get it together...maybe I should visit the lord? He'll know what to do.

(hours later)

"Ah! Damnit Vincent you scared me." I turn around to see (Y/N) standing in the hallway. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I just...umm, I just had to talk to someone." I clear my throat as she nods.

(~(Y/N)'s POV~)
I look at Vincent for a moment then glance at the floor. "Well you should head back to bed. You need to rest after what happened." I avoid his concern gaze at me as he starts to walk towards me. "(Y/N)?" He asks as I start to backup and corner myself. "What's wrong?...(Y/N)?" I shake my head when I feel his finger underneath my chin, raising my head up. "(Y/N), look at me please?" He gently runs his thumb across my chin as I slowly look up at him, my vision begins to blur as tears start rolling down my face. Vincent's eyes widen a bit. "Hey, what's wrong? Don't cry...please.." He wipes the tears from my face. "I-I want to be with you, Vincent....but I can't...I-I don't want you to get in trouble...." I cry as I feel my heart break and quicken. He lightly shakes his head while smiling softly at me. "It's okay, I just found out know what I'll tell you later, but first I'm going to do this." He then slams his lips onto mine firmly, yet passionately. Holding me closer to him as he pins me to the wall. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him as close to me as I could. My heart races as we make out. Then the house phone started ringing, causing us to break the kiss. Out of breathe we exchanged confused looks. " one calls the house phone...who would be calling at this hour?" I ask while panting a little, he shrugs and kisses me a few more times before grabbing the phone. "Hello?" He asks. "NO! NO PLEASE LET ME GO!!!" Vincent's eyes widen and looks at me as he hears screaming on the other line. "What's going on? Hello?!" He starts to get uncomfortable as he starts to pace. "Hello, Vincent. I hear that you are still alive. I'm surprised you survived that fall." William said with a humorous tone. "What do you want? Who is with you?" Vincent demanded. "Oh Jenny is with me and we are having fun. Aren't we, Jenny?" William then stabs Jenny in the leg causing her to scream. "Leave her alone!" Vincent yells through the phone. "Hmmm? No, I don't think I will. You see, Vincent. I want, (Y/N) and you are around her all the time. So I have to up my game and since you will not leave her I'll have to cause her pain by killing everyone she loves most. Starting with Jenny. See you soon, Guardian." William hangs up and Vincent throws the phone to the table. "We have to go. Now." He grabs my hand and we run to Jenny's house, which was 2 blocks away from mine.

We bolt into Jenny's house and search for her. "Jenny? Jenny! It's me, (Y/N)! Jenny?!" I hear a muffled voice coming from upstairs, I bolt up the stairs and open her bedroom door to see her on the floor, bleeding out, claw and stab wounds covering her whole body. She looks up at me as she tries to get up. "(Y-Y/N)..." I run up to her and gently hold her close, crying. "V-VINCENT! VINCENT!!!" I scream for him as I held Jenny close. He runs into the room, eyes wide. "Oh god...." he goes up to me and Jenny, kneeling down. "Heal her! Please!! Vincent please!" I beg him as Jenny's eyes start to close. "N-No! Jenny! Jenny, look at me! Open your eyes! J-Jenny!!" She goes limb in my arms. Vincent lowers his head and put a hand her shoulder. "(Y/N), I'm sorry...once someone is dead I can't bring them back...I'm sorry..." I shake my head and pull her close as he and I sit there with Jenny's now dead body.

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