Chapter 10: Shouldn't Love?

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(Vincent's POV)
I sat in my room, thinking about what happened. 'I can't believe I did that...I'm not allowed to do this....I can't feel like this about her..' I thought to myself as I stared up at the ceiling. Eventually I got up and went downstairs into the kitchen, then sat down at the counter. I sighed a little annoyed with myself as I stood up and went to the fridge and grabbed a coke, then sat back down at the counter.

Soon I hear someone coming down the stairs, heading into the kitchen. "Vincent?.." I felt my heart slightly beat faster as I turned in my chair to see (Y/N) standing in the doorway. "Hey, why aren't you asleep?" I asked as I turned back around and took a few sips of my coke. I hear (Y/N) sigh as she got herself a drink and sat next to me. "I can't sleep...I just keep thinking about what happened.." I look over at her as she rests her head on her arms on the counter. "What about you?.." she looks up at me, I look away and clear my throat. "Same thing." I took another couple of sips. I see her still looking up at me from the corner of my eye, I stand back up and try to keep my distance from her. 'I can't love's against the rules...focus Vincent...focus on protecting her...come on man..' I look out the window then turn around to see (Y/N) looking at me with a concerned expression on her face. "What?" I make eye contact with her. "I-I don't know..." she shrugs and looks down. Sighing I walk up to her. "(Y/N), what is it?" I see her face turn a bright pink as I put my hand under her chin and lift her head up. "I...I just..I know I probably can't feel like this about you...b-but I...I.." She struggles with her words as she gets a bit worked up. "You what, (Y/N)?" I sit down as we continue to face each other.

She sighs and bites her lip, then suddenly grabs ahold of me and slams her lips onto mine. I couldn't fight her, I didn't want too as I immediately wrapped my arms around her and held her close, kissing her back. I ran my tongue into her mouth as things got a little more heated. She begins to pant as I picked her up and sat her on the counter, then started kissing and biting down her neck, causing her to moan a little. Her pulse pounded as I began to go up her neck then lick her lips before running my tongue back into her mouth. Seconds turned into minutes as we made out, my lungs felt heavy. I break away from her, out of breath. "Wh-What's wrong?" (Y/N) asked as she hopped down from the counter, I stop her as I held out my hand. "I...I can't...We can't do this, (Y/N)..." I lean against the wall and take a few deep breaths, my chest aches as my heart pounds against it. "What? Wh-why? Why not?..." I shake my head as she came a little closer. "(Y/N), stop....please...there are a couple of reasons why we can't...look l-let's just call it a night, okay?" I look up at her and saw her face, she was upset. (Y/N) nodded as she slightly backed away and went upstairs to her room. I sighed and sat on the kitchen floor, lowering my head.

( (Y/N)'s POV)
I shut my bedroom door and cry silently. 'What am I thinking? He's right. We shouldn't....god why did I have to fall for him? what's wrong with me?..' I thought to myself as I lean against my door and slowly sat down on the floor, burying my face into my hands. A half-hour later I get up and dress warmly then head outside. 'Maybe some fresh air will help me clear my thoughts?' I walk around town, it's a bit dark outside but it's only 7:25pm. "(Y/N)?...(Y/N)!" I sigh as I turn around to see Jenny running up to me, almost tackling me into a hug. "Hi Jenny." She laughs a little as she gave me a tight hug. "How are you? I haven't seen you in a while." She hits my arms playfully, I nod. "Yeah...sorry, hey do you have time to hang out right now? Like maybe go get some warm drinks?" I look down as I heard her giggle. "Sure, come on. I'll buy this time." She grabs my arm and starts walking.

We get our drinks and sit down on a bench in the park. "Wait, what? You saw him again?! And you two...made out?!" Jenny whispered the last part, I nodded. "Oh my goodness, child! How was it?" She asked, I bite my lip and leaned back. "Amazing.." she giggles as she took a few sips of her drink. "We made out again an hour ago, but we stopped. He doesn't know I'm out here right now." I look down then look over at Jenny, who almost choked on her drink. "What?! If your mother finds out, you're toast!" I just nodded. I know she is right, but I really needed out of the house and away from Vincent. Soon my phone starts to ring in my pocket. I take it out and look at the screen, it's Vincent. I declined his call and put it back into my pocket, but it starts to ring again. "Aren't you going to answer that?" Jenny raises her brow at me, I shake my head and take a sip of my drink. "I need some fresh air from my house and him, Jenny." I look down at my cup. "Okay, I can see that...I just don't want you to get into trouble.." She rubs my back lightly, lowering her gaze to my necklace and gently grabs it. "When did you get this?" She changed the subject as I look down at my cross necklace that has four red roses surrounding it. "My 16th dad gave it to me..." I smile softly before clearing my throat. "Oh, I never must miss him a lot?.." she lowers her hand. "Yeah...all the time."

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