Chapter 14: Her Confession?

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(h/c)-hair color
(e/c)-eye color
(f/m)-favorite movie

(Still Vincent's POV)
"Days pass since (Y/N) lost Jenny. She has spent most of her time in her room or in a room with a therapist her mother requested. I don't blame her though, (Y/N) has been traumatized and is suffering depression. She is going to need all the help she can get, this isn't the end.." I say quietly to myself as I write it down in my journal then put it in the drawer of the desk in my room.

I head to (Y/N)'s room and knock on her door. "Hey, (Y/N)?...uh it's me, Vincent. Can I come in?" I bite my lip lightly while I wait for her answer, but instead she opens the door slowly and steps aside. I walk in and shut the door. "How are you feeling?" I asked with concern. She only shrugs and walks over to her bed. "(Y/N), I know you are struggling, but your mother and I are growing very concerned about you staying in your room day and night...please, (Y/N)...if they is anything I can do..anything at all? Please, tell me.." I go up to her and gently place my hand on her shoulder. "Can you erase my mind?" She mutters as she sits down on the side on the bed. I kneel down to her level and place my hands over hers. "(Y/N)...I can't do that. There is too much I want you to remember.." I wipe a tear off her face then brush her beautiful soft (h/c) from her face. She shakes her head and starts to sob. "But I don't want to remember anything, Vincent...I-I don't want to remember William, losing J-Jenny...or...even...y-you.." she starts choking on her words as her body begins to shake while she sobs harder. I sit on the bed next to her and pull her into a hug. "Hey, hey. It's going to be okay....(Y/N), you don't mean that, do you?" I ask as I rub her back gently. She just shrugs as she buries her face into my chest. I rest my chin on her head and hum to soothe her.

She soon begins to calm back down as I continue humming one of her favorite songs and run my fingers through her hair. "..I'm sorry...I'm j-just so upset and...and I don't know what to do anymore.." (Y/N) mumbles as she wraps her arms around me, gently. "I's okay. It's going to be okay. I'm always here for you..." I kiss her forehead lightly and look into her (e/c) eyes while wiping more tears from her cheeks. "I-I love you, Vincent....and..I-I'm so freaking scared right now..." She looks away while her cheeks became red. "W-what did you just say?..." my eyes widen as I saw her red face and thought of the 3 words I think I just heard. "I-I love you..." She looks up at me, but still not making eye contact. My heart skipped a beat when I heard her say it again. 'She loves me! She loves me!!' I thought to myself while I pulled her into a gently embrace and planted a soft passionate kiss onto her natural soft lips.

A few moments later I gently broke the kiss and pulled her into a hug. "I love you too, (Y/N)." I smiled while she smiles back. Soon I put in a movie and we laid down in bed together, watching (f/m) and laughed. It made my heart flutter at the sight of (Y/N)'s smile and the sound of her laughs. Before I knew it she fell asleep, I smile more as I kiss her goodnight and stay by her side.

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