Chapter 15: The battle (END)

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(~A few months later~)

(~(Y/N)'s POV~)
More bodies have been found within the last few months, I only fear that the next could be my mother or Vincent. "William has kept himself busy for quite a while and now nothing, which is very unusual. No bodies, no murder, no threatening calls, just nothing. Is he gone? What is his next move?...something in my gut is telling me something bad is going to happen.." I look at Vincent who was rubbing his temples in frustration. "I know..I'm not liking it either...(Y/N), are you sure you want to go outside today?" He looks up at me with a concerned expression, I nod and walk up to him. "Yes, Vincent. I want to go back to doing normal things again without living in fear. I just want out of the house." I kiss him gently on the lips before heading out the door.

We walk around town, I look up to see the sky a dark grey. "Hm? Is it supposed to storm today?" I ask Vincent. He stops and looks up as well, nodding. "Yes. Though I'm not sure when." He holds my hand as we continue walking down the street. I keep looking back as if there were someone following us. "Is everything okay? What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Vincent looks back to see nothing, then looks at me. "Um...I-I'm just paranoid I guess. It's fine." I force a smile and look up at him. He nods though I can tell he wasn't buying it.

Before we knew it rain began to fall, so we started back towards the house. We rounded the corner when Vincent was suddenly tackled by someone. "Vincent!" I try to run to him, but a man pinned me to the wall of a building. The men surrounding Vincent were in dark clothing and had red eyes. I watched Vincent when someone's finger grazed my chin. I look up to see William smiling down at me. His eyes redder than ever, red as blood. I felt as if his eyes were piercing my soul. Vincent and the other men began to fight. People who walked by stopped and watched the fight, some screamed and some shouted. Cars screeching to a hault. Then I realize, these men were not ordinary men. No, they were demons. 'Where did William find these guys at??' I thought to myself as William grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me towards the middle of the road.

"Help me!!" I scream as a car comes full speed down the road, heading directly towards me. William held me in place so that I could not move. Vincent's wings spreaded out from his back and flew faster than the car towards William and I. He tackled us just as the car flew down the road. William showed his true form, the fight was now on. They fought, their swords clashed loudly, their bodies crashing into nearby buildings and cars. Vincent ripped the hearts out of the demons that came near him, yet some made it hard for him to continue his fight with William. He then flew up into the sky, harnessing all of the power he could. A ball of energy formed in his hands as he suddenly flew fast towards the ground, smacking his hand in the ground. The power was brutal to demons that were in range of it. Now weak and wounded Vincent stood holding his sword tight. I then noticed William coming up from behind. His sword drawn back. "Vincent, look out!" I screamed as I tried to get past everyone. He spun around to dodge Williams attack, but the sword already impaled Vincent through the stomach. He gasped, blood dripping from his lips. William grinned as he yanked the sword out of Vincent's stomach and slammed him down to the ground. "No! Vincent!!" I screamed as I forced my way to him.

William starts walking towards me. I look at Vincent then at his sword, the blood dripped from it. His grin widened in satisfaction as he drew his sword back once more. Everyone backed away in fear as they watched. I couldn't fight him, I knew I wasn't stronger enough. Suddenly Vincent attacked him from behind his sword now impaling William through the chest, then grabbed ahold of him by the head and ripped his head clean off. His body now turning into ash as Vincent fell to the ground.

I ran to his side. "Oh god, are you going to be okay?.." I held his hand and looked into his eyes. He shook his head. "It's over. William is gone...I-his sword isn't meant to kill just anyone, (Y/N). It''s meant to kill Angels.." I shook my head as I look at his wound. It wasn't healing, instead it was glowing red while black lines formed around his wound. "No, no. I won't loose you!" I held him tight as he lost his strength to hold himself up. I prayed silently to myself as I held him close. Tears formed in my eyes as I watched the love of my life, my guardian angel die in my arms. 'God, please don't let this be the end!' Before I knew it, he became limb in my arms. My heart ached as I sob.

Minutes pass as I cry, resting Vincent's head into my lap. I closed my eyes as a tear fell onto his cheek. People gathered around, mumbling in sadness as the thunder rumbled. I then hear someone people gasping. "Look!" I heard someone shout, making open my eyes to see Vincent's wound glow a golden color. The glowing stuff began to form into lines that floated around me and Vincent before disappearing. I examine his wound on his stomach. " healed.." I mutter as Vincent's head slowly moves. I gasp and hold his head up. His eyes opened slightly and looked around. "D-did we win?.." He asks before wincing in some pain. I nod and pull him into a hug. "We won! You did it Vincent!" People began to cheer and help him to his feet.

(~Time Skip~)

"I don't died.." I hugged him tightly. He sighs and kisses me gently. "I'm just as confused as you are." he cups my face as he rests his head against mine. "Do you really have to go?.." I ask, my voicing cracking a bit. "I'm afraid so..." he holds me close and runs his finger through my hair. "W-will I ever see you again?.." I look into his gorgeous blue eye. "I'll come and visit." He chuckles before kissing me passionately. 'I wish you didn't have to go..' I thought to myself as we kissed each other goodbye. Tears began to fall from my face as he gently broke the kiss. "I'll always love you, (Y/N). Don't forget that. I'll watch over you and visit as much as I can..." he gave me one last kiss before disappearing into thin air. "I'll always love you too...."

Hey everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed this story! Please comment and vote! Tell me what you thought about it. I hope you all have a great day! Stay safe and love you all!!!

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