Chapter 6: Liam's offer

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Bold-is for flashback

I turned over in my bed, opening my eyes only to be blinded by the sun light coming through my window. I slowly sat up and stretched while yawning, then got up and got dressed and headed downstairs to find my mother getting ready to walk out the door. "Hey, mom. Wh-where you goin?" I asked rubbing my eyes. She looked up at me with a warm gently smile. "I have to go to work, but Vincent is still here. He's in the kitchen making you breakfast. He's such a sweet kid.." she said as she hugged me then walked out the door. I headed into the kitchen and saw Vincent cooking. He glanced up and smiled. "Morning, you feel any better?" He asked as he handed me a plate of eggs and bacon, I thanked him as we both went to the dining room and sat down. "Um...yeah..I feel somewhat better I guess. I don't know." I slightly shrugged as I started eating, He only nodded before he started eating as well.

Once we both finished eating we washed the dishes after arguing about who will wash the dishes. "Okay, Vincent so are you going to tell me what's going on??" I asked as we went into the living room and sat on the couch, he sighs slightly and nodded. "Yeah, ask away." I nodded and started to ask a few questions, until Vincent mentioned my fathers name. "Hold on..what does my father have to do with any of this?" I asked a bit confused, Vincent looked away from me and bit his bottom lip slightly. "Vincent..what is it? Is there something you are not telling me??" He sighs and clears his throat. "...Your Father, Liam summoned me." My eyes widened slightly. "Wh-what?..summoned you? What do you mean??" I looked at Vincent, who now had a very serious expression on his face. "The man that tried to kill you the other day...knew your father. The man's name is William. And he isn't your everyday psychopath...he.." he paused. "He?? What Vincent? Tell me!" I demanded. "He is a demon, (Y/N). And he is very dangerous. Your father summoned me when he was at church one day." Vincent gave me a concerned look. "A demon? was at Church when he summoned you...yo-your a angel???" I asked a bit overwhelmed with everything, he nodded. "Yes. He wanted to make a deal when I arrived." I tilted my head slightly, curious. "What was the deal?" Vincent clears his throat again and looks me in the eyes. "The deal was about you, (Y/N). He wanted me to keep you safe. Protect you from William, because Liam knew William was going to use you to hurt Liam." Tears began to fall from my face.


Vincent's POV
I stood in front of a man who was sitting in the front row of the church benches. "W-Who are you?? The man asked, sounding somewhat scared. "I'm Vincent. A guardian angel from heaven. Who are you? And why did you summon me?" I asked the man politely. He cleared his throat and stood up. "I..I'm Liam..and I am in desperate need of someone like you.." he slowly walked up to me. I could sense worry and fear in him as he made eye contact. "What is it that you need help with?" I asked, sounding slightly worried for the man. "It's my daughter, (Y/N). A man I know named, William...I fear he will end her life. He knows I care about my family...and I.....I recently found out that William is a demon. He will come for me, I know it. So I ask..will you protect (Y/N) from him. From all evil?..guard her with your life until she is safe from him?" I looked at Liam in shock as he got down on his knees with tears streaming down his face. "I..well it's my duty to guard and protect the innocent from darkness..from harm." I lended a hand to him. "I accept your offer Liam. I will protect her from William and any evil being on this planet. I swear it." I placed my other hand on my heart and saw a gleam of hope light up in his eyes. "Thank you!"


I sat in shock as Vincent explained everything. It was all too much as I suddenly stood up and paced. "I..I-I don't understand...I-you! An angel..and a demon..I-I.." I was too overwhelmed to speak properly. Vincent stood up and grabbed me by the arms, pulling me into a tight caring hug. "(Y/N)..please calm down..I think it's best if we stopped for now..I'll explain everything else another day..." I slowly nodded as I wrapped my arms around his torso and cried, overwhelmed by the information.

Hey guys sorry I took awhile for the new chapter. I have been going through few things and also had stuff to do. But hope you all enjoy chapter 6. Stay safe and happy guys!!!

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