Chapter 13: Loss

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I stand by Jenny's mother, who was leaned over the casket with Jenny's body, sobbing. I cried as her mother and I received apologies and hugs from people all around who were close to Jenny, paying their respects. Vincent walks over to me and pulls me close to him as everyone began to take a seat to pray, listening to some people with speeches, I was one of them. Vincent took his seat and watched me closely with concern and sorrow in his eyes.

Before I knew it, it was my turn to say my speech, I took a deep breath and walked up to the mic. "I um...Jenny was an amazing friend..Sh-She was like a sister to me..umm she was very brave, loyal, funny, and caring. Definitely someone I'm proud to know. I remember we had a sleep over at her house...we played and laughed...we stayed up for hours...I um...I miss her and I know I'm not the only one here today... I love you were family..." I finish my speech and start to sob as Vincent came to my side and walked me over to his seat. Soon our preacher started with a prayer then everyone was sent to their cars. "I'll drive..okay?" Vincent pulled out a new set of keys from his pocket as we walked to my new car. I nodded as he opens the door and held it open for me as I get in. "Thanks.." I mumble while he shuts the door.

(~Time Skip~)

(Vincent's POV)
(Y/N)'s mother and I sat in the living room while (Y/N) stayed in her room ever since we came back from Jenny's funeral. 'Should I go check on her?...I hope she is alright..' I thought to myself as her mother sniffled here and there. "She was so young...Wh-Who would kill a 18-year-old girl?.." (Y/N)'s mother asked as she covered her face with her hands. "I don't know Mrs. (L/N)...." I lied then stood up from the couch. "I'm going to go check on, (Y/N)..." I say in a quiet like tone, she nods as I head up to (Y/N)'s room.

"(Y/N)?...hey it's Vincent. Can I come in?.." I knock on her door, but no answer. "(Y/N), please? Open the door...." I sigh and start to head back downstairs when I hear the door knob click. I turn around and see (Y/N) holding the door open just enough to look out into the hallway, I walk back up to her door. "Can I come in, (Y/N)?....I'm worried about you..." my voice becomes smooth and gentle as I speak to her. She looks away for a few moments before nodding and slowly opens the door a bit more then steps aside for me to walk in. Once I walk into her room I gently pull her into a hug and begin to stroke her hair lightly. She starts shaking as she clenched onto my shirt. "It-it's all my fault..." she buries her face into my shirt and sobs. Feeling remorse I tighten my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. "No, it's not...there was nothing you could have's William's fault...he's not getting his way and he is going to try to hurt the people you love dear to hurt you...." I hold her close to me as I continue to stroke her hair, she only shakes her head and sobs harder.

After a while I start to notice (Y/N) becoming weak from crying. I pick her up bridal-style and gently lay her down in bed before covering her up. I start to walk away when she suddenly grabs ahold of my arm and pulls me back a bit. "D-don't leave me, please?...I-I don't want to be alone..." she begs, looking up at me. My eyes widen for a moment, I knew she was scared, I can see it in her eyes. Nodding I lay down next to her before pulling her close to me. She wraps her arms around my torso and rests her head onto my chest. "I'm not going anywhere, (Y/N)...I promise.." I kiss her forehead, making a small smile appear on her face before falling asleep. "Goodnight (Y/N)...I love you.." I whispered into her ear before going to sleep while holding her close.

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