Chapter 11: Back Again

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Jenny and I remained at the bench in the park when I noticed Vincent jogging over to us. "Crap.." I grumbled. "What is it?" Jenny asked, I sighed and pointed at Vincent who was now walking up to us. She gasped as she looked up at him. "There you are! Damnit, (Y/N) scared me. Oh...uh hey you must be Jenny. I'm Vincent." He held out his hand to her and she gently shook his hand. "Hi, Vincent. Yeah I've heard about you. She talks about you all the time, I was really wanting to meet you. Nice to final-holy shit...damn you have blue gorgeous eyes." She stares at his eyes as I stand up. He chuckles as he looks over at me. "Thank you. Hey, uh (Y/N). Can we talk?" I roll my eyes and start walking while Jenny clears her throat. "Well...I-I'm just gonna go home. I'll see you later, (Y/N)!" Jenny starts walking away as Vincent turned towards me and grabs my arm. "Hey wait. Why did you sneak out? I went up to check on you and you weren't there. I almost got you mother up." I shake his hand off and look down. "I'm sorry okay....I just really needed out of the house...just don't tell my mom, Vincent..." I hear him sigh as I glance over at a couple children having a snow ball fight. "(Y/N)...just tell me next time, please?...look can I just take you ho-.." He stopped mid sentence, staring at something behind me. "Vincent? What is it? Hello???" I wave my hand in his face. "Whatever..." I walk past him and head onto the side walk. "(Y/N)!" I hear Vincent shouting from behind me. "What?! What do you want?!" He runs up to me and takes my hand. "Stay beside me. I'm serious. He's here." I widen my eyes in surprise and grip his hand. "Where?.." I start searching for him, cautiously. "I don't know, he was behind you, that's why I was staring. Now I have no idea. Let's head back." I nod as he leads me home.

He turns up a hill as his keeps a firm grip in my hand. "Uhh...Vincent this isn't the way to my house..." I look behind me when my phone start to ring, I grumble a bit as I take it out and answer it. "Hello?" I asked while Vincent continued to lead me up the hill. "(Y/N)!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" My eyes widen when I hear the voice on the phone. "How are you talking to me when you are walking in front of me?" Vincent stopped and started snickering. "THAT'S BECAUSE IT ISN'T ME!!! IT'S WILLIAM!!!" Soon he turns and faces me, I gasp in complete shock. "(Y/N), GET OUT OF THERE!...(Y/N)?!....(Y/N)!! CAN YOU HEA-.." William takes the phone out of my hands and hangs up. "Finally. I have you all to myself." He grins as he crushes my phone in his hands. I start to back up and begin run. "Run. Run as fast as you can, (Y/N)! You can't escape me this time!" He wasn't far behind as I slid to a stop. I was at the top of the hill Vincent took me up too. I spun around to see William a good couple of feet away, but still close. "Nowhere to run now, hon." I backed up until I felt the edge of the cliff, I glanced behind me, knowing that if I fall, I'll die. "I've been waiting for this. You're lucky that damn Angel ripped my heart out, but this time...he won't be able to save you this time." He comes at me and shoves me over the edge. I scream as I fell but luckily grab the edge. "Aww I'm sorry, but you don't get to live today." He raises his foot high in the air and stomps, missing my hands but only by a few inches. I scream as tears rolled down my face. "VINCENT! VINCENT!!! HELP ME PLEASE!" I scream as loud as I can before William grabs my hands, making me lose my grip and fall. I scream as William become smaller and smaller. Soon I see a pair of white wings emerging from the top of the cliff. I scream for Vincent as he starts to get closer. His hand reaching for me as I got dangerously closer to the ground. I manage to grab his hand as he pulls me to him and wraps his wings around my body. He spins around as his body slams against the ground hard, causing us to bounce a few times, sliding through the ground.

A few more moments pass before I open my eyes, finding myself laying on Vincent, covered by his wings. "Vincent?.." his wings slowly unwrap me as I now lay beside him. "V-Vincent?? Vincent?!" I lower my head and sobbed then gently rested my head against his chest. "I-I'm so sorry, Vincent.."

Hey sorry had too have a cliffhanger! I'll be working on the other part soon. Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you guys and enjoy!

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