Chapter 3: Memories

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Bold: is for flashback in this chapter.

Once I got home and got out of my car I thought about the masked man and what Jenny had told me as I walked up onto the front porch of my house and went inside. "Mom?" I walked into the living room to see if she was there. "I'm in here, sweetie!" I heard her voice coming from the kitchen and walk out of the living and into the kitchen to see her cooking. "What's wrong?" She looked at me a bit concerned. "What do you mean?" I asked as I sat down at the counter. "You look pale. Are you feeling alright? Or..." She stopped mid-sentence and looks down. "Or what?" I looked up at her and noticed tears forming in her eyes. I couldn't help but to feel guilt as I stood from my chair and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, sweetie...I's just.." She struggles a bit, trying not to cry in front of me. "No, mom. It's okay...I-I miss him too..." I pulled away and grabbed some tissues for us as we both sat down and cried for awhile.

(~Time Skip~)

I sat in bed, holding a family photograph of my mother, Rachel, My father, Liam and me. Tears streamed down my face as I placed my hand on the necklace my father gave to me on my 16th birthday.

(~Flashback - 2 years ago~)

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)!" Everyone shouted excitedly. I smiled as we all ate some cake, my smile started fading as I scanned the room for my father. 'He said he'd be here...' I thought to myself. My mother walked up to me and placed her hand onto my should. "Your father is coming, (Y/N). He just got off the phone with me a few minutes ago." She smiles down at me as I nodded slightly.
Soon it was time for me to open presents. "(Y/N), (Y/N)! Open mine first!" Jenny pointed at a Golden wrapped present with a bright purple ribbon on the top of it. I grabbed it and started opening it, then pulled out a black hoodie that had my favorite horror game on the front of it. I smiled and thanked Jenny for the gift.

After I opened the last gift my mother called me into the kitchen. I headed into the kitchen with my head lowered. "Hey kiddo! Why the sad look on your face?" I shot my head up when I heard the familiar voice. It was him. I smiled and ran up to him, giving him a tight hug. He chuckled as he hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. "How is my little birthday girl?" He smiles down at me, hugging me once more. "Come on, dad. I'm 16 now, I'm not little anymore." I sat down at the kitchen counter, smiling. "You'll always be my little girl, kiddo." My father smiled softly at me as he sat down next to me. "Also I got you something." I smiled as I watch him reach into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small black box and headed it to me. I open it and saw a beautiful silver cross necklace with four red roses around it. "I love it! Thank you dad!" I hugged him tightly before putting the necklace on. "Now, (Y/N). I want you to know something." My father became serious as he placed both hands onto my shoulders. "Don't ever take that necklace off, alright? And whenever I'm not here to protect you, remember that I'll always be with you in your heart and mind, okay kiddo?" I nodded, yet was somewhat confused. 'Why is he saying this?' I thought to myself before my parents sent me back into the living room with everyone else.

(~Back to the Present~)

I laid the photograph down and held my necklace firmly and whispered. "I miss you dad.." as tears continued to fall down my face.

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