Chapter 7: He's gone..

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A few days past since Vincent explained almost everything to me. I sat on the couch watching tv. My mother left and told us she won't be back until next week. Until then it was just me and Vincent. I grumbled and thought about my dad as I held my necklace. Vincent noticed and sighs silently, thinking. "I want to see my dad, Vincent. Can you take me?.." I suddenly asked, he nodded and smiled. "Yeah, come on." We walked a good couple of blocks to get to the town cemetery. "Oh I believe you'll want these?" Vincent makes a small bouquet of roses and a little flag in the middle of the flowers appear then hands them to me. I looked at him in shock then took the flowers and walked to his grave, smiling as tears started to fall. "Here you go..." I said softly as I kneeled down and gently placed the bouquet of roses on his grave. Vincent walked up to me and looked down as I stood back up, sniffling. "I..I miss him, Vincent.." I couldn't hold back my tears anymore as I started to cry. He gently pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. "He misses you too, (Y/N)...he watches over you everyday.." I tried to speak but only cried as I buried my face into his shirt. A half hour later we walked back to the house, then I went upstairs and curled up in my bed in my room, few tears still fell as I thought of my dad.

(~Time Skip 4 hours later~)

I jolted up by a sudden sound of glass breaking. "Vincent!" I shouted and ran out of my room and looked down from the top of the stairs. "(Y/N). Are you alright?!" Vincent grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me close to him, I could hear his heart beat fast. "Yeah I'm alright. What's going on?" I look up as him and noticed he was staring at something downstairs. I follow his gaze to see a large black wolf with white eyes. I started to panic as I clench onto Vincent's shirt. "V-Vincent! What the hell is that?!" Vincent got up and pulls me into my room as the wolf began to run up the stairs. Vincent locks the door and pulls me close to him again. "He found us.." he held me tight as he pulled his mask over his mouth. "What?! Who?! Who found us?!!" I looked around then jumped as the wolf suddenly hit the door with its body. "William.." Vincent gritted his teeth and looks down at me. "Wha-what?! no how? I..where is he?" Vincent points at the door as I hear a man laughing, evilly. "(Y/N) I want you to lock your door and hide." Vincent cups my face gently before quickly opening the door and tackles William. "Vincent!! Wha-ugh okay... okay.." I lock my door immediately and hide. I hear things downstairs getting smashed and shattered as they fought. I felt my heart began to ache as I worried about Vincent.

Soon I hear someone walk up the stairs and in my direction. Suddenly I'm being yanked out of my closet and thrown to the floor. I look up to see William covered in blood and some wounds. "So you have a Guardian Angel. Could of told me that, hon." I start to crawl backwards as he walks up me then picks me up by my throat and squeezes. I gasp as I try to pry his hands off my neck, then I remember my knife. I pull it out of my boot and stab him in the hand. He yells in pain and lets go, I gasp for air and start to run. "Oh no." He uses his abilities and slammed the door shut. "Help! Help!! Please!!!!" I screamed as William grabbed ahold of me again, beating me and pries the knife out of my hand before tossing it to the other side of the room. I try to fight back but he was too strong, he got me in a head lock, chuckling. I closed my eyes as I continued screaming for help. Then suddenly I felt William jerk with a groan. I hear something get ripped out from behind him and he falls to the floor.

I look down at him then see Vincent also covered in blood, but has more wounds then William. I looked down at his hand to see him holding Williams heart, I cover my mouth. "(Y-Y/N)...I..I'm sorry...are you..alright?" Vincent drops the heart and falls to his knees. I run to his side and help him up. "Yeah thank you...but you are not okay. We need to take you to the hospital." I put his arm around my neck and start to walk out the door. "No...I-I'll be okay. I can heal. I'll be okay...I...I promise...just help me get some new clothes and start the water..please.." I scoff at what I'm hearing then sigh as I help him into the bathroom and run the water for him.

After Vincent gets done getting cleaned up and heals a bit, he walks into my room to dispose Williams body when I hear his shouting. I run into the room and cover my mouth again. He's gone. "Where did he go?! You ripped out his heart!" Vincent looks out the window and start to leave the room to find him, but I stand in the door way. "(Y/N) please move. I have to finish him." He tries to get around me, but I don't budge. "N-no! You are too weak!..." My voice starts cracking as I fight back my tears. He notices and tilts his head. "I know..but I can't risk you getting hurt again.." He places his hand on my cheek and lightly rubs his thumb on my cheekbone below my eye, I blush lightly. "..And I cant risk losing do you expect to protect me when you aren't here to do that?'re weak from that fight. You need to rest." I put my hand over his. He sighs and rests his head against mine, my eyes widen slightly as I blush more. "Okay...But only because you have a point and also I am pretty tired to argue, but I want you to stay in my room tonight, okay? Just so I can keep an eye on you and protect you if he shows up again." I nod and we go into his room. He lays down and pulls me onto his bed, holding me close as he pulls the covers over us and sighs. "I'm sorry.." I face him, he closes his eyes and continues to hold me close. "For what?" He asked tiredly. I move his hair out of his face, making him smiling softly. "For could of died...and I just..I just.." I try to get the word I need when he looks at me and tucks my hair behind my ear. "Stop it. It's not your fault. Don't apologize. It's my job to make sure you are safe, (Y/N)...okay? Please stop, you don't need to apologize." He holds my hand. I sigh and nod as he closes his eyes again and starts to fall asleep. I turn over to face the wall and feel him pull me close to him again, making me blush and fall asleep soon after.

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