Chapter 9: Feelings

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( F/M)-Favorite Movie

I woke up to a knock on my bedroom door, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Yeah?.." I started yawning as Vincent walked in. "Morning, how are you...umm.." He sits on the bed as he tries to figure out what to say, I shrug and fix my hair. "Can't figure out what to say?" I asked as I got up and grabbed some clothes from my dresser. "I guess...hey um..uh, I was wondering if you would like to get out of the house for a while?" He looks at me as I start to walk into the hallway. "Uh...yeah actually. I'd love that." I smile at him before heading into the bathroom.

After I got dressed, Vincent and I get out of the house and walk around. "So....What are we gonna do? Where are we going?" I ask as I feel the cool winter breeze blow through the air, surprisingly it isn't too cold out. It's a comfortable cool day. "Well..I do want to take you somewhere...but after that, I don't know." He smiles at me, his blue eyes brighter than ever. 'Holy shit...he has gorgeous eyes. Ahh! (Y/N)! Stop that! You can't feel like this about him. You can't...' Vincent stops and tilts his head. "What? (Y/N)??" I snap out of my staring faze again and blink. "What? Hmm? I'm sorry what did you say?" I feel my face start to warm up as I clear my throat. "Umm..I didn't really say anything. I was just trying to get your attention. Why were you staring?" He chuckles a bit, I facepalm myself. "Ugh..I'm sorry I just...I-I okay your eyes are like brighter than ever and they are really flipping gorgeous." I quickly speak and look down, feeling a bit embarrassed. He chuckles again and lifts my head with his finger under my chin. "Thank you. And your face is really red. Are you okay?" My eyes widen and I look away and start waking. "Yeah I'm fine. Hey, can you take me to the place you are wanting to take me?" I change the subject. He smiles and nods as he catches up to me. "Of course."

(Vincent's POV)
I walk up the hill as I hold (Y/N)'s hand. "Where are you taking me?" She giggles as I help her climb onto a small landing of rocks. "It's a surprise, but I hope you'll like it." I smile at her and lead her through the woods. She giggles again, making me smile. 'She is so cute when she giggles..' I thought to myself as I slow down and get behind her. "Hey what are you doing?" She asks, raising her eyebrow at me. "I need to cover your eyes so you don't peak." I smile at her and cover her eyes with my left hand and gently wrap my right arm around her waist and guide her to the spot. She giggles more, I start to blush. 'Am I blushing?..' I questioned myself as I stopped and turned her to what I want her to see. "You ready?" I asked, I saw her bite her bottom lip and nodded. I lower my hand away from her eyes and stepped back a bit.

((Y/N)'s POV)
I opened my eyes and gasped. I saw my town from where I stood as snow fell. It was a beautiful scenery. I covered my mouth with my hands then turn around and look at Vincent. "This is...this is so beautiful.." I smile brightly as I look back at the town again, the wind blew through my hair lightly. Soon we headed back into town and walked around a little while longer before heading back to the house. "I'll get a fire going once we get inside, what movie's do you like?" Vincent asked, smiling. I shrugged. "Meh I'm okay with anything really." I looked down a bit as we walked onto my porch. He nodded and opened the door for me. "Thanks, Vincent." I smile as we take off over coats and hang them up. I walk to the kitchen. "Hey Vincent. Do you want some hot chocolate?" I ask as I grab some coco mix, mini marshmallows, and grab two cups. He pokes his head in. "Yeah, please. Oh, okay uh can I have some marshmallows?" He asks and smiles at me. "Yeah, sure." I giggled as I make two cups of hot chocolate and head into the living room. I set the cups down onto the coffee table and sit down. Vincent gets the fire going and puts in a movie before sitting beside me. "So what are we watching?" I smile at him as he smirks. "We are watching (F/M)." He grabs a cup and and takes a sip of the hot chocolate. I clap happily and also grab a cup and take a few sips."

After watching (F/M), we sit there on the couch and talk for a while. "Okay, I...I think I should let you know how I feel.." Vincent starts to get a little serious, my smile slowly fades. "Okay...feel about what?" I raised my brow slightly as Vincent clears his throat. "Well, how we have gotten closer since William..uh well you know.." he brushes his hair from his face. I nod and start to think about last night. "I like that we are getting close, but can I ask you something?" I look up at him and make eye contact. "Sure, anything." He smiles slightly. "Why did you kiss me on the cheek last night?" His eyes widen for a few second before he clears his throat. "Well...I uh...I don't know. I mean I care about you, (Y/N). I really do, but I don't know what's up with me right now or how I feel about I guess this..I mean it's nice but I'm not sure.." he gets up from the couch and kind of paces around the room. "I care about you too, Vincent and I don't know what's happening to me either...I just feel...uhh..umm well I really don't know how to explain it..." I play with my thumbs as he turns and faces me. "The feeling of like...there should be more than what is here?" I shot my head up and try to deny. "What? No!..I are hot and all and I-I just I can't help it when you smile and stuff..but like I mean I don't know if there should be or not I mean I..really don't..." I begin to rant as Vincent's eyes widen by my sudden rambling, he starts blushing a little. "(Y/N)?.....(Y/N)." He tried to get my attention. "But like what should it be here that isn't here...I-I just don't..I don't know how to fe-.." Suddenly I felt the warmth of his lips on mine, my mind raced, his hands cupping my face as the he kissed me passionately, holding me close. I wanted it to last forever. Soon he gently pulls away, looking at me. " was the only thing I could think of to shut you up...." he bit his lip a little, I only stared at him in shock. "You weren't expecting that...were you?" He smiles softly, I shake my head.

Before I knew it I pulled him in for another kiss, he chuckles as he wrapped his arm around my waist and his hand behind my head, I ran my hand through his raven black hair while as his tongue slithered into my mouth. We were soon making out, pulling me into his lap, not breaking the kiss. The feeling was becoming stronger and and stringer with each touch, my skin felt as if it was on fire. Suddenly my mother opens the door, causing us to break the kiss and separate. Quickly grabbing my cup and drink my hot chocolate as she walks into the living room. "Hey guys. I see you got the fire going." She points at the fire, not noticing anything. We both just nod as she takes her coat off and rubs her temples. "Well I'm going to head to kids be good, night." She heads upstairs. We both say good night to her then look at each other. "I um...I didn't think that would happen.." Vincent rubs the back of his head. I nod and bit my lip. "Yup....well...I-I I'm going head to bed too..uh thanks for today...uh night.." I bolt to my bedroom and close the door then grab a pillow from my bed and squeal into it. 'What the hell was I thinking?! I can't just make out with my guardian angel!!' I curl up into my bed and blushed like crazy as I thought about what happened.

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