Chapter 2: Meeting With Jenny

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I woke up to my cell phone ringing from my nightstand. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, then answered the phone. "Hello?.." I asked sleepily, trying not to fall back asleep. "Oh my goodness, (Y/N)! Where have you been? Your mother called me last night and told me you were finally home!" I sighed as my friend, Jenny began to ramble. "Look, Jenny. I literally just woke up. Can we just meet up at Joe's Café in town?" I could roughly hear Jenny grumbling under her breath for a few seconds before clearing her throat. "Yeah, sure. Is 1:30pm, okay?" She asked sounding slightly annoyed. "Yeah, that's actually perfect. See you there." I hung up the phone and got out of bed

(~Time Skip~)

I found a table closest to the window and waited for Jenny. Soon after I sat down a man in his mid 40s came up to me with a warm smile. "Hello, I'm Jason and I'll be waiting on you today." I smiles up at the man named, Jason, and informed him that I was waiting on a friend. He nodded and took my order, then told me it would take a few minutes before walking away. I sat at the table playing with my head phones when I suddenly heard someone calling my name. I turned my head to see Jenny jogging up to my table, breathless. I scoffed as I stood from my chair and hugged her before sitting back down. "Okay, tell me everything and don't even think about leaving out the mystery guy." She cocked her eyebrow at me as I rolled my eyes. "Okay. Okay, chill girl."

(~Time Skip~)

After the waiter, Jason got Jenny's order and brought our food out. I explained what happened in the woods. "Sooo....the guy that saved you only gave you his name? And his name is Vincent?" Jenny asked with an amused look on her face, I nodded. "Was" She played with her fork, trying not to sound so interested. "Uh, actually I don't know. He was wearing a mask." I shrugged as I took a few bites out of my waffle. To my surprise, Jenny wasn't bugging me about the man or about anything else as I watched her sip her tea. We finished eating and talked for what seemed like forever, then our waiter, Jason returned to our table with a check. I paid him and told him to keep the change, he thanked me and walked off. Soon after paying Jason, Jenny and I walked out to our cars. "Hey, (Y/N). The next time you meet..uhh Vincent again you should totally take his mask off. I would." I only nodded and waved as I got into my car and drove back home.

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