Chapter 5: promise

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"(Y/N). (Y/N)!" I felt someone's hand tapping my face as they called out my name. Slowly I opened my eyes to see Vincent leaning over me, I groaned a bit as I held my head. "What happen? Where am I?" I look past Vincent to see my mother standing behind him, worried. "You got into an accident. I found you and brought you home." I started to remember everything from the night before and shot up. "I hit a man!" I look at Vincent, who still had that black mask over his mouth. "What? (Y/N), when I found you, your car was flipped over. I didn't see anyone else."

I shook my head and tried to stand. "Sweetie, stay in bed, please?" My mother gently placed her hand on my shoulder. I grumbled and did what she asked. "Mom, can I talk to Vincent for a couple of minutes?" She smiles and gently kissed the top of my head before leaving us both alone. "Vincent what the hell is going on here?" I crossed my arms as we faced each other. "That's...difficult to explain really..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay then..what are you? Is there anything you can tell me? Or am I going to have to guess?" furrowing my brows at him. "I know you want answers, but I can't tell you what I's too dangerous." He looked me in the eyes. "Are you kidding me?! Too dangerous?! What is it that I can't know about because "It's too dangerous." I saw you with white wings, Vincent! A-and you ripped my seat belt apart without any effort..and not only that but I got a fucking call from the same man that tried to kill me, then I hit a man that was in the road that got back up by the way! And here you are not going to tell me anything because it's dangerous to know! You won't even show your face to me! Why should I believe you or even trust you?!" I shouted at him as tears began to form in my eyes.

Vincent placed his hand over mine and looked me dead in the eyes. "(Y/N), if you want to know then, alright. But I'm here to protect you and keep you safe...And I'll show my face to you, but you- Wait. Did you just say that the man you hit got back up??" He raised a brow, I nodded. His eyes slightly widened as he looked away from me. "Vincent...please? I want to know.." I held his hand gently as tears fell from my face, he looks back at me and nods as he wipes the tears from my face with his other hand. "Alright...I'll explain everything to you, but I want you to rest some more first, okay?" He placed his hand on my cheek and wiped another tear from my face, I nodded in agreement. "Can I see your face? Please?" He nodded and lowers his hand from my cheek as I gently pulled his hood off and took his mask off. "Whoa.." I muttered as I stared at his face. His skin a pale peach like color, smooth and fine. His bright blue eyes and raven black hair fitted his complexion almost too perfectly. My face suddenly felt warm as he smiled at me. 'Damn he is hot!!' I thought to myself as I continued to admire him. "(Y/N)? Is something wrong?" I snapped out of my staring faze and cleared my throat. "Uh, yeah-No! I-I mean no, I just...I-I just...thank you for at least letting know what you look like now." I smiled as I blushed when I saw his smile return on his face as he stood. "You are welcome. Now please, get some rest. I'll explain everything when you wake up. I promise." He ruffles my hair before leaving my room, shutting the door on his way out. I smiled a bit more as I laid back down in my bed and closed my eyes, falling fast asleep.

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