Chapter 1

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My name is Meghan. The rest I'll let you discover.

"Meg! You're gonna be late for school!"

I rolled my eyes and slowly peeled myself off the soft, sweet-smelling sheets. School to me, well, I saw it as just another part of life. I didn't hate it, didn't  love it, but it has it's ups and downs for sure. Especially high school.

"MEGHAN!" My mother commanded, with an emphasis on the m.

"I'm coming!" I exclaimed. I tried to just drown out my mom's words about my tone. As I stared at myself in the mirror that was sloppily placed on my desk, I brushed my long brown hair. My mind argued with itself about how I should do my hair, and I finally just decided to leave it down. Quickly I applied my eyeliner and mascara. I'm not one for makeup, but I have to look decent one way or another. I glared at the deep green eyes in my reflection. Another day to get through. I thought to myself.

I headed downstairs to the kitchen. I sniffed the air and smelled pancakes. Right as I was about to ask for one, I watched my older brother Jason eat what appeared to be the last one. Not because there were no more on the plate, but because he smiled slyly at me as he savoured the blueberry syrup on his fluffy pancake. Jason drives me absolutely insane sometimes, but we get along... usually.

I punched his muscular arm playfully, and though he had a full mouth, he said sorry. It sounded more like "Farr" because he somewhat choked on his pancake halfway through his apology.

As I locked up my bike, I listened to the chatter of all the older teens. I sighed to my self as I twisted the dial to the last number and walked towards the door. Shoving past the people, I briskly walked to my locker upstairs. 9,12,16 I remembered. It'd only been a few weeks into school, and I always forgot my combination.

As always, the strange girl to the left of my locker was staring at me creepily. She had a tendancy to stare at everyone until they finally screamed at her to cut it out. However, to my right was my best friend Lindsay. Lindsay and I had been besties since I could remember. We did everything together, to the point we were practically joined at the hip. We aren't quite as clingy now, but just as close.

I ripped off my jacket and shoved it in my locker. I snatched my books and closed my locker. As I was talking to Lindsay, I couldn't help but stare at the boy I've had my eye on since I was eleven years old.

I guess Lindsay saw the longing look in my eye (either that or I might've stopped talking), because she asked me if I needed "help". Yeah, I thought. Making him mine.

"Nope. You might though." I pointed at a giant piece of hair that fell put of her blond pony tail. She peered into her mirror and said something about needing a bobby pin, but I just started to daydream again. I dreamt about his shining, blue-green eyes, his brown hair that was cut neatly and swept to the side. His perfect height (just taller than me by a few inches--about four) and weight. That handsom smile that could light up a whole football stadium. But it wasn't only looks that won me over. He was charming, and playful. Zach was so laid back. It was also his kindness, his amazing sense of humor, his charisma. He was practically perfection in the form of a person. Even the sound of Zach's voice sent chills through me. Also his name gave me butterflies.

I snapped out of my fantasy and smoothed my T-shirt and jeans and started down the hallway after a nagging warning bell.

Math. Not exactly my strongest subject although I am a straight-A student. Like I said though, I don't care THAT much because in the end, will it really matter? What does it lead up to, what really matters when we are all dead in the end anyways?

I continued my deep thoughts while some-what consciously walking to math class. I especially hated math in the mornings when Ms. Antson is grumpy. Her voice sounds like a dying crow (I figured she used to smoke. Her teeth are the colour of barbecued corn-- deep yellow and black). Her assistant, however, is a beautiful young girl who could use a modeling job considering her beauty. Her talents include smarts, and niceness, charm and comedy.

Oh wow, Meghan. I sound like a pageant host. I know this, because when I was seven, I was a little pageant girl. As soon as I lost my very first pageant, I kind of gave up. Yeah, my mom was more devastated than I was, but it was still disappointed.

"Turn to page one sixty in your text books now please."

Wow, I thought. She actually said please. Maybe class won't be so bad after all.

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