Chapter 15

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A/N: Enjoy this chapter, and prepare for tons of drama!!! Please vote! Thank you for reading my story. It means more than you think!

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Everything was a mess. Lindsay wouldn't talk to me. Whenever I would try to say sorry, make things right, she would just turn her back and run...that is, if I'm lucky. Sometimes, she would just let me completely apologize, and then say nothing. She would just act like I wasn't even there.

"Why?!" I yelled while I was at Zach's house in his living room. His father had allowed me back into his house, so long as our promise to 'slow down' stayed in tact.

"Why is she doing this?! I just don't understand!" I was sobbing in Zach's arms, and he stroked my hair. My breath was shuddery and uneven. My eyes were squinted and full of tears. Lindsay had no idea what she was doing to me, and I couldn't even try to tell her! My thoughts kept asking Why, why, why?! Why, Lindsay?!

"Shh, it's okay. Shh," Zach cooed, supportively. "You're okay."

"No, no I'm not, Zach. She isn't even talking to me! She was my only good friend, and now she's gone." My eyes wouldn't dry, no matter what I did.

"Meghan. Look at me." Zach commanded. When I turned my face from his shoulder to his eyes, he comforted me.

"She didn't die, she's not gone. Stop being melodramatic. That being said, remember how you would always brag about how you and Lindsay could get into millions of fights, and be alright after, like nothing happened?"

"But Zach, that's diff--" He interrupted me before I could finish.

"Hey, now. It isn't different. This will all blow over, and it will be like nothing happened." He chirped, trying to comfort me.

"But what if that doesn't happen?" My eyes were like Niagra Falls. They just kept flowing, and flowing and flowing.

"I promise," Zach said. "It will."

Sniffling, I innocently gave him another tighter, childish hug.

My muffled voice said "Okay." I suddenly felt like our love story would end up like that song "Blank Space".

What if we rushed too fast into this? What if we end up fighting, and never make up? What if this is all for naught? What if Zach is just playing with my feelings?

The sudden 'what if's drowned my other thoughts. What concerned me, was that these thoughts just came out of nowhere, like my thought dam just burst.

No, that couldn't be true. We've shared moments. We've exchanged kisses and hugs. There's no way Zach could be faking this. He has told me that he wants to be with me.

My scrambling mind couldn't mop any of my nervous thoughts' messy puddles. No reassurance came. Until I looked back up at my boy.

His teal eyes were warm, but mysterious. Though his cheek bones weren't very high, his lips were alluring, and very inviting. My eyes wandered to his brown, soft hair, then to his arms. They weren't exactly super buff, but they were still a little muscular. I continued to survey his face and shoulders, but my vision stuck to his lips. The asset that always seemed to invite me into their warmth from the cold, dark world. They were what helped Zach take me to an escape, where no one could touch me. They were the ones who were magnetized uniquely for mine.

It was then, that I realized, that I didn't need any more reassurance. I already had some.

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When I arrived at home, I realized how terrible I looked. My makeup was spread all over, my cheeks and eyes still bright red from weeping. Hair was knotted, and messier than my social life.

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