Chapter 8

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A/N- Sorry this one took me a long time, slight writer's block. Its kinda boring right now but I've got lots of plans. It's just the beginning!!!

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The whole school day went so slowly, it was torture. I had trouble focusing on my work.

I wonder if Zach is as anxious as I am right now? He was so chill, I didn't think he stressed over everything.

During Social Studies, I just wanted text Zach. I wanted to just text him, talk to him, all day long.

Now Meghan, just because you guys are going to the mall for a bit, doesn't mean you're a couple. You don't even know if he likes you...which he probably doesn't. My inner voice said.

Sometimes I really hate my inner voice, because it's usually right.

Gym was after Social. I was hit in the head with the volley ball twice, because I wasn't paying attention. Mr. Snaggleman wouldn't let me get out of playing either, because it wasn't "serious enough." Twice, I was hit! TWICE!

Soon it was lunch time, and as usual, I was sitting with Lindsay. I couldn't stop thinking about Zach. Every few bites, I would miss my sandwich, as I would be spaced out, imagining our 'date'.

All of a sudden, the devil walked in and waved at Lindsay and me. Lindsay growled at her and told Penelope to get lost.

"Oh, I wasn't waving at you." Penelope smirked as she walked closer. She nodded at some guy behind us.

"Hey Cole, how's it going?" her voice faded out as she strutted past us, twirling her hair flirtatiously.


"Lindsay!" I warned, because some official-looking lady passed by us, and I figured she might, you know, not be pleased.

"I hate that frickin woman so much I wanna stab those stiletto heels into her throat."

"Excuse me?!" I saw the official-looking-woman staring at Lin, and I giggled.

"Oh-- I um-- I--." My best friend stammered.

"She said she needs to get some stiletto heels and warm up her throat." I interrupted. "She's telling me how she'll be performing in a restaurant tonight. My friend Lin, here, is a fantastic singer." I lied. Lindsay sounds like a walrus being beaten by a crow with a cold when she sings.

The woman contently nodded and bid us a good day, and left.

We both burst out laughing.

"Oh... Well thanks for saving my butt there, Meghan."

"My pleasure, Lindsay. My pleasure."

• • • •

The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, and an hour until the best moment of my life.

Mr. and Mrs. Zach Russle. Okay, let's not think too far ahead. We aren't getting married...yet...

I sat in my car for a while, but then realized I was gonna be late. I sped home and ran straight to my room to fix my ugliness. When I was finished the impossible, I actually looked decent!

Okay, here we go! I thought as I plodded down the stairs.

I was sporting something casual(ish), but nice. It was a short floral sundress and knee length black leggings.

"Well, don't you look purdy!" Jason cooed.

"Oh, shut up." I said. "Shouldn't you be somewhere? Working out or going somewhere with friends?"

"Hey, it was supposed to be a compliment." he replied.

"You didn't answer my question."

"You didn't let me finish."

I smiled, yelled goodbye to my mom, and headed out the door. As I entered my car, I checked my strawberry-coloured lip gloss, to make sure I looked perfect.

Meghan! It's not a date! It is a friendly gathering of two people consuming some cafeterian cuisine.

Like I said, I --almost agressively-- hate my inner voice.

Because of my lack of attention-payment, I ended up running a red light.

Shoot! 'Least there're no cameras...

I tend to look on the bright side--or at least I try... sometimes it's really hard to look on the bright side, you know? Like, when people you know are having troubles with life, you can always think of something comforting and uplifting to tell them, but when you're in their shoes? Much harder. For example, someone they love dies, one might say "I'm sure they're looking down on you from heaven," or "You'll meet again sometime, but for now, you just have to move on." When tables are turned, easier said than done. People don't just "move on". It isn't that easy. One doesn't move on. Moving on, is the choice you make between living in the past, or choosing to forget it. Some people don't even realize how clueless they sound when they just tell you to 'move on'.

I pulled into the mall parking lot, struggling to discover an available parking spot. As I finally found an open patch, I turned off my car.

Here goes nothing...

Quickly and nervously I walked towards the entrance. I could feel the multiple butterflies in my stomach so well, that I felt like they would burst out soon enough.

Okay, let's do this.

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