Chapter 10

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"And I look at the pictures, and he's, like, kissing my cheek. I was so embarrassed and happy at the same time. I just, I can't even."

I told Lindsay while she munched on a chocolate chip cookie. It had been a week since my 'date' with Zach. I still wasn't sure if he liked me or not.

"Would you like to stay for dinner Meghan?" Lindsay's mom said.

"I think I can just go home tonight for supper Mrs. Alpern."

"Oh, it's no trouble Meghan, we're having chicken and rice. You know you can call me Rachael, silly." She said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll stay. I'll just ask my mom." I turned back to Lindsay and pulled my phone from my pocket. After asking my mom, I told Lindsay the rest of the details. Like how we had Taco Bell for dinner and went to Dairy Queen for dessert after. I also told her about how Zach and I made plans to see a movie on Monday.

Dinner with Lindsay was delicious. The moist chicken and buttered rice. Rachael's Thai salad was yummy too. After dinner I stayed at Lin's house for another hour just talking and laughing at the stupidest things. I guess that's just what best friends do. Lot's of my peers have 'best friends' who back-stab them and betray them. All they do is make small talk and use each other. Not Lindsay and me. We have deep conversations, pointless conversations, and conversations that only we would understand. Sure we've had our fair share of disagreements, but we always come back and it's like nothing ever happened.

When I left Lindsay's house, I drove home. My dad gave me a stern look when I walked into the kitchen. He is still a little angry about me going to the mall with Zach. Here's why he was mad:

When I came back from my date, my father asked to talk to me. We journeyed to my room where he told me about how he wanted to meet Zach. When I called Zach, I asked him to come to my house. I gave him my address and he got there within a few minutes. I told Zach that my dad wanted to meet him. He and I figured that since we've only seen each other once, it's early to want to meet him. All I know about Zach and Dad's chat, is that it didn't go well. They both came out of my room with frowns on their faces. No yelling, no red faces, no heavy breathing; just frowns. I just stood there awkwardly and watched my dad leave the hallway, back into the kitchen. Zach told me he had to go, so I let him. It was just me, myself, and I standing there lonely and slightly dumbfounded.

And since then, all week, he's been hostile to me and I had no specific idea why.

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