Tommy Cooper jokes

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I went to the doctors. He said 'I'd like you to lie on the couch'.

I said 'What for?'

He said 'I'd like to sweep the floor'

I went to the doctors. He said 'What appears to be the problem?'.

I said 'I keep having the same dream, night after night, beautiful girls rushing towards me and I keep pushing them away'.

He said 'How can I help?'.

I said 'Break my arms!'

I went to the doctor the other day,

I said 'it hurts when I do that'

he said ' well don't do it'

I went to the doctor the other day,

I said 'with all the excirment of Christmas I can't sleep''

he said ' Try lying on the edge of your bed, you'll soon drop off'

My wife had a go at me last night. She said 'You'll drive me to my grave'.

I had the car out in thirty seconds.

One year I got a bike for my birthday. So I went peddling off down the road and knocked an old lady down.

'Can't you ring your bell?' She said. 'I can ring my bell,' I said 'But I can't ride my bike'

We were coming in to land, and it affects your ears, doesn't it?

The Stewardess gave me chewing gum.

I put it in my ear. Took two days to get it out.

A policeman stopped me the other night, he taps on the window of the car and says:

'Would you please blow into this bag, Sir'.

I said: 'What for, Officer?'

He says: 'My chips are too hot'.

I got stopped again last night by another policeman.

He says: 'I'd like to follow you to the nearest Police Station'.

I said 'What For?'.

He said: 'I've forgotten the way'.

So I said to the taxi driver, 'King Arthur's Close'. He said,

'Don't worry, we'll lose him at the next set of lights'

A man walks into a greengrocer's and says, I want five pounds of potatoes please.

And the greengrocer says, we only sell kilos.

So the man says, all right then, I'll have five pounds of kilos.

I had a meal last night, I ordered everything in French, surprised everybody, 

It was a Chinese restaurant.

And he said 'My dog doesn't eat meat'.

I said 'Why not?'.

He said 'We don't give him any'

I knocked at my friend's door and his wife answered the door.

I said 'Is Jim in?'.

She didn't reply, just stood there looking at me.

So I asked again. Just then a woman appeared at his wife's elbow.

'Sorry luv' she said 'We buried him last Thursday'.

'He didn't say anything about a pot of yellow paint before he went, did he?'

I went to Blackpool on holiday and knocked at the first boarding house that I came to.

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