Riddle jokes

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What keys can you eat?


What kind of key can't open locks?

A mon-key!

What other key won't fit in a lock?

A piano key!

What gets closer and closer, but never arrives?


What can you catch but not throw?

Your breath!!

What runs but has no legs?

A tap!

What is faster : hot or cold?

Hot, because you can catch a cold!

What can go up a chimney down but not down a chimney up?

An umbrella!

What goes all around the city but never moves?

The road!

What has holes but carrys water?

A sponge!!

What flower do you always wear?

Two lips!

A man was driving a black car, his lights were off, the moon wasn't out.

A woman crossed the road in front of him. How did he see her?

It was the middle of the day!

What can run and whistle but not walk and talk?

A train!!

When is a river like the letter T?

When it has to be crossed!!

What is black and white and red all over?

A newspaper!

What's black, white and red all over?

A zebra with a sun burn!!!

What's black and white and red all over?

A sunburnt penguin!

What is black, white, black, white, black, white?

A penguin in a revolving door!!

What always goes to sleep with its shoes on?

A horse!

What starts with an e, ends with an e and has one letter in it?

An envelope!

What has three syllables but only one letter?

An envelope!

What gets bigger the more you take away from it?

A hole!

What starts with a p, ends with an e and has hundreds of letters in it?

Post Office!

What can you serve but not eat?

A tennis ball!

What has four legs but can't walk?

A table!

What room has no windows?

A mushroom!

What starts with t ends with t and is full of t?

A teapot!

Now you see it, now you don't. What is it?

A black cat on a zebra crossing!

What has arms and legs but is not alive?

A chair!!

What is the capital of England?


What is big, smells, has a lid and flys?

A dustbin!

What goes up and never comes down?

Your age!!

What has four legs but can't walk?

A table!

What goes around the world but stays in one spot?

A stamp!!!

What is the difference between here and there?

The letter t!!

Which vegetable is always wet?

A leek!!

What has a head and a tail but no body?

A coin!

What cheese is made backwards?


Three people were sharing an umbrella but none of them got wet. Why?

Because it wasn't raining!!

What has hands but no arms?

A clock!

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