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I'm not quite sure how I got here, crying into a stuffed bear in my bedroom alone. Well, I guess I do know, but I will never admit that to myself. Why would I? He loves me. I love him. We're in love. In order to keep that love I need to stop being a baby and stay quiet. Jonah will be happy if I stay quiet. He will keep loving me. And I will keep loving him.

I've always been a crier, ever since I was little. But Jonah says sixteen year old boys don't cry. We should be tough. We should be able to handle the yelling. TJ tells me differently though. He lets me cry on his shoulder and he laughs when I put on funny fashion shows. Stop it Cyrus. Jonah is your boyfriend, not TJ.

I fell back on my bed, holding my teddy bear to my chest. I just laid there, thinking about today. He got mad at me again. I was talking to TJ and Buffy, trying to figure out the History assignment I missed. TJ put his hand in my hair, he just wanted to wear my flower crown. I don't blame him, it was a nice one. It had little pink flowers with specs of purple glitter, my favorite one. Jonah saw it happen, he was upset. He pulled me away by my arm into an empty class. He threw a book at the wall behind me to scare me, but he'd never hurt me. He started yelling and he took my flower crown, splitting it in half with his hands. He didn't want TJ touching me ever again. I'm okay with that. Jonah loves me and wants what's best.


I looked over, seeing I had gotten a text. I grabbed my phone, running my fingers lightly over the gems on the phone case. Buffy bought me this a few months ago for my sixteenth birthday. I turned over my phone, looking at the message. I looked at my lock screen behind the new message, a picture of Jonah and I cuddling. I unlocked my phone, going to my messages. TJ.

KipKip: Hey
Me: Hey
KipKip: What're you doing?
Me: Laying in bed, crying. The usual.

I can only ever be honest with TJ. Yes, Buffy is my best friend but she would tell Andi and then Andi would tell Jonah and I would be in deep shit.

KipKip: Wanna hang out? Talk about what happened?
Me: Jonah would hate you even more than he already does.
KipKip: He doesn't have to know. I can just go to your place and if he shows up I'll hide in the closet or something.
Me: You're already in there.
KipKip: Shut up, now I have to delete that text. You know my mom checks my phone when she's drunk.
Me: Okay. Sorry. Just get here soon, I'll wait in the den.
KipKip: K, be there in a bit.

I smiled, putting my phone down. I stared at my ceiling again, running my hand through my hair. I stood with a sigh, walking over to my vanity mirror. My mirror is my favorite thing about my bedroom. It's white with small drawings of flowers that my friends and I have drawn during my panic attacks or times where I'm upset. Most of them were drawn by TJ and I. Around the mirror are polaroid pictures, most of which are Jonah and I. A few of them are of TJ and I, that's what Jonah lets me keep up. Memories.

I looked at my outfit, smiling at what I'm wearing. On my torso is a large, white, Nike sweater that floods on my small form. TJ gave this to me a bit ago, well more like I stole it. I wear it when I'm upset, just so I can smell him when he isn't here. I know, I'm crazy. I'm a crazy whore who only wants attention from all the boys he can get. At least that's what Jonah says when he's upset. As for pants, I'm not wearing any. I'm wearing pastel pink boxers that go down to an inch above my knees. I wear boxers around my house and around my friends like they're shorts. My hair was messy, sticking out in random places. On my feet I have white tube socks that go up my shins.

I took a makeup wipe from the package sat on my vanity, wiping my face with it. TJ hates it when I wear concealer and blush like I always do, he thinks it covers my face too much. Once my face was clean, I smiled in the mirror again. Buffy and Andi have left quite a few prints on here, lipstick prints I mean. A new one every time they come over, but the girls are gracious enough to leave me room so I can actually see myself. I've left a few myself. I do so every time I buy new lipstick and want to test if it will stain Jonah's lips. He gets upset when that happens.

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