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         I chuckled, watching TJ get attacked by Lola. He let her hit him, pretending it hurt and that she was way more powerful. I sat on the sofa, smiling at the pair and their foolish nature. I kept my eyes on mainly TJ, how he would fall to the ground and scream as if he was murdered. How he would then laugh as Lola sat on his stomach. How he would smile up at me, a knowing look of want on his face.

       "Hey, Cy?" TJ asked softly, Lola looking at me too.
"I think we should build a fort?" Lola got excited, jumping up and down on the wood floor making TJ and I laugh.

             Some of my favorite days are the ones where TJ and I babysit Lola. Normally we sing songs and watch movies and color, but now that she's getting older we've had to come up with a few more ideas to keep her entertained. For instance, we came up with the idea of play fighting because it's something TJ and I used to do. Now, he has pitched the idea of a fort, another thing we did before Jonah.

        Before I started dating Jonah Beck, TJ and I would hang out everyday. Fort building was something I thoroughly enjoyed since I was small. I would make magic castles and terrifying army battle fields all with pillows and blankets and TJ hooked to my hip. Everything in my life with TJ and his little sister was perfect. Until Jonah showed up.

       I know it's been mentioned before, but Jonah kind of ruined everything that was good in my life. When I met him, my heart was set on TJ. Everything in my being wanted TJ. To be my boyfriend, my best friend, and anything else he wanted to be. But then Jonah showed up, with that fucking smile and those perfect blue eyes. The way he made me feel felt different than TJ, a whole lot different.

         I remember the first time we kissed. He was still dating Andi, but he pushed me against a wall and told me he loved me. That he would dumb Andi and we could be together because he couldn't live without me. I remember what I felt on that day. Calm, a warm and fuzzy calm happiness bubbled in my belly and smiles took over my face while love peppered kisses on my cheeks.

I remember Andi wanting to kill me. She wouldn't talk to me for weeks, a think the time went on for a month. She was absolutely furious. But...TJ wasn't. I could let he liked me, and I could tell it seemed like I was leading him on. And in all honesty, I was. At first. I was flirting and touching and all over him until I met Jonah. That's when the flirting stopped. Once Jonah started hurting me, most of the touching stopped.

      "Cy, you okay?" I looked up at TJ. He stood in front of me with a worried half smile, pink cheeks and green eyes that sparkle. In his arms was a pile of blankets, different colors and variations of softness.
"Yeah. I was just...thinking." I stood, taking some of the pile from his arms and moving to place it all in the middle of his living room.
"About what?" I grabbed some pillows and started to organize them on the floor to map out the size of the fort.
"Us." I turned, seeing a large smile on TJ's face.
"What about us?" I walked toward him, placing my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, his heart hammering against his chest.
"About how we used to do this. All the time." He rested his chin on my head, hugging me tighter.
"Yeah we did. Didn't we?" I nodded.
"Until he showed up and ruined it all." Just as TJ breathed in to speak, Lola ran into the room.
"Enough canoodling! We need to build this fucking fort!"

We both laughed as we moved away. TJ lifted Lola into his arms, letting her just cling on his hip. I smiled at the pair as I began placing blankets on chairs and clipping them to shelves. TJ and Lola have always had this bond that I have never been able to understand. I've tried, I really have, to understand how they feel with one another. I guess it's from being an only child, but hopefully Jagger and I will share that bond.

*time skip*

"CyCy, I'm tired." Lola mumbled, rubbing her eyes softly. Before all of this shit happened and created my touch phobia, she would nap on my chest whenever I was with her.
"Lola honey, we've talked about it. You gotta nap on me." TJ said softly, pulling her to lay on him. She did for a moment, she squirmed.
"Teej, I wanna sleep on Cy." She whispered, making me chuckle.
"It's okay Theo. She's fine."

Lola turned with a tired smile. Instantly she plopped her body down onto mine, my mouth letting out a soft groan at her weight. I dropped my arm around her frail little body, her small hands resting on my chest that dawned TJ's Nirvana T-shirt. I carefully played with her twisting blonde curls on her head, TJ smiling at us. She was asleep within two minutes, and I knew she wouldn't be waking up any time soon.

"You're great with her, you know." I chuckled, quietly as to not wake Lola.
"It's good practice for Jag-JC." My face flushed as I fixed my mistake. Shit.
"What's JC's first name?" I shook my head, but I knew what was coming next.
"I can't tell you." He laid next to me, opposite Lola and placed his head in the crook of my neck.
"Please." He mumbled, a chill doing down my spine from his breath on my neck.
"TJ, I can't." I whispered, but he placed a quick and soft kiss to my neck. That's the first time I've been kissed there since everything...and I'm not scared. I feel safe.
"T, do that again." He kissed me once more and I smiled.
"What's so special about me kissing your neck?" He smiled and looked at me.
"It doesn't scare me anymore."
"Bambi, that's a benchmark. Now what's your brother's name?" I stared at his smile. It was in the shade due to the blankets over us, but it was soft and sweet. Small dimples in the corners of his mouth that most people don't even notice, his eyes scrunch a bit at the edges. Perfect. How can I say no to that?

"Jagger. They're naming him Jagger. After the boy who saved my life." His face became serious, and I've always had a love/hate relationship with that face.
"Cy, honey, I don't deserve that. I don't want Theresa to do that for me." His head was back on my chest, looking at the ceiling while his sister slept next to him. I put my free hand in his hair, twisting it in my fingers softly.
"She's not doing it for you. She's doing it for her. I wasn't supposed to tell you until after Jag was born and his name was finalized. She thought you'd try to talk her out of it." He reached up and grabbed my hand, pulling it to be on his shoulder as he held it there.
"I really might try."
"No you won't. Do you wanna know what the C stands for?" He nodded.
"Sure." I smiled feeling Lola bunch my shirt in her fist as she slept, just like she used to.
"Cyrus. His middle name is Cyrus. He's named after both of us." He squeezes my hand a little tighter.
"Why?" There was a soft tone in his voice. A happy one.
"My mom likes to say he's named after his two big brothers, but I don't think that's why."
"Why do you think she did it?" I smiled at the question.
"Because were the ones you made it happen."

Word Count: 1,349

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