Chapter 13: Realize

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Chapter 13:

Yoong is in His Classroom with His Classmates, their Teacher went out and left them with an activity for them.

"Yoongie, What are you doing?" His Classmates look at his drawing book. "What's that?"

"This is Our House.."

"Oh, this one is your Appa and Eomma?"

He shake his head, "No.. This is Uncle Yuri and Aunt Shika.. They live in one house with Yoong, Mina and Hyunbin.."

"Where is your Appa and Eomma then?"

His other classmates joined them, "Yeah, Yoongie, Why is your Appa and Eomma not coming here anymore?" another kid asked him.

"Because Yoongie's Eomma and Appa are dead.." His Girl classmate told them. "That's what Eomma told me.. Yoong's Uncle is always here because Yoong don't have Appa and Eomma anymore."

"When are they going home?"

"I don't know.." the little girl shrugged.

Yoong just focus on his drawing and didn't bother to answer His Classmates' questions about his parents since He don't know what to tell them.

"Look at My drawing! This is My Appa, my Eomma and my Dog.." He heard his classmate say.

Yoong stood up from his seat and walk to the corner, He sit down and just continue what He was doing. He wants to always be away from his Classmates since He don't want to talk to them that much anymore.

Their Teacher went back and checked their works, She asked them to tell them about their drawing one by one.

"Very Good, Minho.. You may now sit down.." She clapped her hands and look around, noticing that Yoong is alone in the corner again, the Teacher called the little boy. "Kwon Yoong! Come here and tell your classmates something about your drawing.."

The little boy reluctantly stood up and walk to his Teacher, He hand her his drawing book and walk back to the corner.

The Teacher smiled and opened it, "Let's see Yoong's work.. Oh this is a House.. Is this your house, Yoongie?" She asked and the little boy nodded his head. "And these must be your Baby Brother and Baby Sister.."

"Yes! And that's Yoong's Uncle and Auntie! Yoong don't have Eomma and Appa.." His Classmate said.

"don't say that, Taemin.. Of course, Yoong has Eomma and Appa.. They may not be with them but He has Eomma and Appa.." the Teacher said and look at Yoong who is just looking down.

"No, Teacher! My Eomma said, Yoong's Appa and Eomma are dead!"

The Teacher then closed Yoong's drawing book and put it on her desk, "Alright, We will play now! Everybody stand up.." She said.

Yoong stood up and just look at his classmates who are singing and dancing.

After their class, the Parents pick up their kids and as usual, Yoong was left alone with his Teacher.

Teacher Jeongyeon sit next to Yoong and gave him his Drawing Book. "Don't listen to what your classmates are saying about your Parents, okay?"

He just nodded then look at his Teacher, "Yoong always dream about Appa.." He said.

"Is it a good or a bad dream?"

"I don't know.. Sometimes Appa says 'Help Yoongie!!' and sometimes Appa wants Yoongie to come to him.." He told his Teacher.

Teacher Jeongyeon pat his head, "You should tell Your Uncle about it.."

"No.. Uncle Yuri is busy with work, Mina and Hyunbin. And also making good food.." He said.

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