Chapter 24:
Tiffany is in the Penthouse where Jessica is staying, She went there since Taeyeon invited Her for a Dinner and since She has nothing to do, She happily accepted the invitation.
She is helping Taeyeon make Dinner as Jessica was in the living room, "How are You?" She heard Taeyeon asked, She look at Him in confusion. "I mean, Your single life? Is He still contacting You?" He asked.
She smiled and nodded, "Yeah, He would text me once in a while asking if We can still continue with what We had but I don't answer Him anymore.." She said.
Taeyeon look at Her, "You don't love Him anymore?"
"I have moved on, that's it.." She chuckled as Taeyeon look at Her as if He don't believe Her. "What?"
"Nothing.." He shrugged.
"I really have moved on.. I will find a boyfriend soon.." She joked.
Taeyeon smiled at Her, "Don't find for love.. it will come to You in the right time so just enjoy your single life.." He said.
"I'm enjoying my single life.." She shortly said.
Taeyeon smiled, "Alright, You go sit there and relax while I cook.. I'll just call You two later.." He said.
Tiffany nodded and walk to where Jessica is, She look at the other American and found Her focused on Her phone.
She sit on the couch, "Jess, are You okay?" She asked seeing Her frown.
Jessica is too busy to even hear her so She called Her again, "Jess.."
The said Woman look at Her, "Huh?" She asked.
"Are You okay?" She asked.
"oh, Yeah.. I was just, um.. I'm trying to contact Yuri to um, You know? Talk about the Kids but He's not responding.."
Tiffany nodded, "Oh, Don't worry about them, I heard from His Mom that There's a Girl who always visit Him.. I think He already has a Girlfriend.." She said nonchalantly.
Jessica sighed and toss Her phone on the side and crossed Her arms in irritation, She knew it's Victoria and the Older Girl is always there for Yuri and the Kids and it irritates Her seeing Her in the Mansion.
Just thinking about Her with Yuri and the Kids annoys Her and the fact that Yuri is not answering Her calls for the past couple of days makes Her worried, She wants to go there but Taeyeon has too many activities planned for them and it's making Her busy.
"Girls.. Dinner's ready!" Taeyeon announced and bend down to give His Girlfriend a hug. "Babe.." He kissed Her cheek but Jessica shoo Him away. "Why?" He asked.
Jessica get Her phone and look at it, "I'm not in the mood.." She said and walk to Her room.
Tiffany and Taeyeon look at each other, "What happened?" The latter asked.
"Follow Her.."
Taeyeon nodded and walk to His Girlfriend's room, He saw Jessica on Her bed holding Her phone.
"Babe.." He called and walk to the bed, "What's the matter?" He asked and hold Her hand, "Let's have Dinner so You can rest.." He said but Jessica didn't answer, "What do You really want?"
Jessica is very moody the past weeks, She's always mad at something but She don't tell Him why and this is the reason why They sometimes fight. He would always try His best to talk to Her calmly and try to understand Her since He don't want to make it big.
He squeezed Her hand and Jessica sighed, "I'm sorry.."
"What's Your problem, Babe?" He asked.
"I miss the Kids.." She said and look at Him, "I wanna visit the Mansion and see the Kids.."

We Got Babies
RomanceJessica Jung hates going back to Seoul because of two people who broke her heart, one is her father who left them to be with another woman, another is Her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her. Kwon Yuri, is a chick magnet whose only sin he's truly aware...