Chapter 78: Heartbeat

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Chapter 78:

"My Wife is Pregnant, please, do not let anything bad happen to Her and Our Baby!" Yuri pleaded as Jessica was brought to the Emergency.

Jessica was crying while repeatedly mumbling 'My Baby'. Yuri hold His Wife's hand and kissed it, "Sica, I'm sorry!" He said.

The American Woman look at Him, "If I lose My Baby, I don't know what's gonna happen to us, Yul.." She said and pulled Her hand away.

"Baby, I'm so sorry!"

A Female Doctor went near Jessica, "We will do some tests to know what's happening to You.." She said.

Yuri then was asked to step out and stay in the waiting area while the Doctor check His Wife. "Oh God, Oh God!!"

Madam Kim and Ryeowon arrived and saw Him pacing back and forth, "Where is Jessica?"

Yuri couldn't answer Them as His mind is only focus on Jessica.

"What happened to My Cousin?" Ryeowon asked in nervousness.

"I still don't know!" Yuri almost yelled at Her. "I don't know what to do now.." He mumbled.

Ryeowon glared at Him, "If You lose Your Baby don't ever blame it to Jessica.. If You just accepted Your Baby this will never happen! This is Your Fault, Yuri!" She angrily told Him then hit His arm continuously, She's really getting mad and frustrated at Yuri.

Yuri just let Her hit Him since He deserve to get hit after everything He did to Jessica.

He slumped on the bench and put His head in His hands, "Stupid.." He told Himself. "This is My fault.."

"If Jessica leaves You, We can't do anything about it anymore!" Madam Kim told Her Son. "Jessica already gave You so many chances but You keep taking Her for granted!"

The Tanned Guy could only keep quiet, everything They said is true, If They lose their baby, Jessica will surely leave Him for good and this time, He might not be able to win Her back again.

Ryeowon sit next to Him and covered Her face with Her hands, She's so worried for Jessica and the Baby. "She can't lose Her baby.." She started crying, Jessica had been through a lot of pain and hardship from Yuri and Her Father and it will be even more painful and hard if She lose Her own child.

Madam Kim gave Her a hug, "Everything will be alright, Honey!" She said although She too is worried for Her Grandchild.

"Mr. Kwon! The Doctor wants You to stay with Your Wife!" A nurse called Him.

Yuri followed the nurse who brought Him to a room, He saw His Wife sitting down on the examination table and was staring at nowhere while holding Her tummy. 

Yuri immediately run to Her side and hug Her, "What happened? How is Our Baby doing?"

Jessica shake Her head, "I don't know.. The ultrasound is done but She wasn't saying anything and just went out.. It's making me so nervous!" She sighed.

Yuri kissed the side of Her head, He suddenly felt nervous to know the result of the tests.

They then heard the door opened, the Doctor went in and cleared Her throat, "How are You feeling?"

"I wanna know how My Baby is doing.." Jessica said, She couldn't think of anything right now but Their Baby.

The Doctor take a deep breath and look at the couple, "We did the ultrasound and all the tests needed but.." She paused and sighed, "We weren't able to detect a heartbeat.." She sadly told the Couple.

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