Chapter 18:
"Come on, Guys! Move faster!" Tiffany yelled.
They are outside the Kwon Mansion waiting for Yuri, Jessica and the kids to go out but They are taking too long.
"Babe, patience.." Nichkhun said while busy with His laptop.
Tiffany crossed Her arms over her chest and look at Her Boyfriend.
"And You? Are You seriously working even in the car? During Your break? Seriously?" She asked.
Nichkhun sighed and just shake His head, "You are handling Your Business too, Tiff. You should understand me.." He said.
Tiffany rolled Her eyes, "Why don't we just cancel this trip? You can just go back home and work Your butt off. I'm so done with You!" She angrily said. "I'm really gonna smash that laptop in front of You."
"You can't do that.." Nichkhun said.
Tiffany move closer to Him and grab His laptop, "Don't ever dare me!" She said.
She was about to throw the device outside the car when Her Boyfriend stop her and angrily take His laptop from Her.
"Stop being so childish, Tiffany! This is not cute anymore!" He shouted.
Tiffany glared at Him, "What? Childish? Asking for Your time and attention is childish? Really?" She asked.
Seeing His Girlfriend looks upset, Nichkhun put His laptop down and hold Tiffany's hand.
"Babe, I'm sorry.. I was just in Panic when I saw You about to throw my laptop.. You know how important this is to me, right?"
The American woman rolled Her eyes, "Yeah.. It's obvious.. Anyone can tell what's important to You and it's not me.."
Nichkhun sighed, "Let's not fight about this, Tiff. Don't You noticed? We've been fighting over the same thing for a few months now? And it's not good."
"I know.. But You're so into Your business and I feel neglected, Khun.. That's the truth.." She honestly said.
"I'm really sorry.. Okay, I'll stop using My laptop now.. I'll focus on You in this whole trip."
Tiffany didn't answer and just keep quiet, Taeyeon then arrived and greeted them.
"Hi!" He smiled.
Nichkhun waved at Him and Tiffany smiled, "Good to see You again." She said.
"Yeah.. Nice to see You too." Taeyeon said and take His phone and called someone. "Hi! I'm here outside with Tiffany and Nichkhun.. Yeah.. Alright.." He said then hang up. "They are coming now." He said and put His phone in His pocket.
Not long after, Yuri, Jessica and the kids went out. The Tanned Guy who looks so cool with His sunglass put their bags at the back of the car.
Nichkhun will drive and Tiffany is in the Passenger seat. Jessica settled Mina and Hyunbin to their Carseat.
Yoong get inside and sit at the back of the two Younger kids' seats. Yuri sit beside Him.
"Wear Your seatbelt, Yoongie." He said and help the little boy put on His seatbelt.
Jessica was about to get in when Taeyeon called Her. "Can You just ride in My car?" He asked.
All of them look at Him, "What? You're gonna bring Your car?" Jessica asked and Taeyeon nodded.
Jessica sighed, She actually want to be with the kids but She can't say no to Taeyeon. She then turned to the Kids, "I'll be with Uncle Taeyeon.. We will just follow You, okay?" She said.

We Got Babies
RomanceJessica Jung hates going back to Seoul because of two people who broke her heart, one is her father who left them to be with another woman, another is Her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her. Kwon Yuri, is a chick magnet whose only sin he's truly aware...