Chapter 29:
Jessica is inside Taeyeon's Office, Her Boyfriend is talking to Her about Their upcoming out of town trip. Jessica actually don't want to go but Taeyeon pleaded Her to come with Him since He wants them to be alone.
"We will leave tomorrow.." Taeyeon squeezed Her hand.
She sighed, "Okay.." She said then look at His wrist watch, "Time to go home now, Taeng.." She said.
Taeyeon nodded and pulled Her by the waist, "Do You want me to drive You Home?" He asked.
Jessica shake Her head, "We already talked about this.." She said.
Her Boyfriend smiled at Her, "Okay.." He said then kissed Her cheek, "Call me when You're home.. I love You!"
The Amercian untangled His arms then smiled at Him, "I'll see You tomorrow.." She kiss His cheek and walked out of the office leaving Her Boyfriend alone.
Taeyeon sighed and look at the Door, He feels like Jessica is slowly drifting away from Him and He's doing His best to keep their relationship on the right track because He wants Their Relationship to last long and if possible, He wants for them to stay together forever. He just hope that Jessica also want the same thing for them.
Jessica walk inside the Apartment Building, She stop in front of the lift's door and waited.
She smiled at Herself, living independently is fun for Her plus She's staying in an expensive apartment that Madam Kim gifted Her.
After Yuri's mother found out that She's looking for an apartment, Madam Kim called Her and told Her that She got a nice Apartment for her, She tried to decline the offer but Yuri's mother insisted it telling Her that the older lady is grateful to Her for taking care of the Kids and Yuri and the tanned Guy told Her to accept it so She just agreed and thanked Yuri and His Mother, the Tanned Guy helped Her move in and even spent the night in Her Apartment with the Kids that made Her first day in the Apartment really memorable.
"Hi!" She was startled as someone suddenly approached Her. "How are You?"
She smiled awkwardly at Her neighbor and take a step away from the Guy, "Good Evening, Mr. Park.." She bowed.
The middle aged man put His hands in His pockets then smiled at Her, "I noticed You go home at this time.." He suddenly said.
"Yeah.." She said.
The Lift Door opened, Jessica quickly get inside and the Guy followed. She sighed and felt awkward, Mr. Park always approach Her. They always coincidentally meet at the hallway, the Guy will just suddenly show up out if nowhere and would talk to Her.
"Where do You work?" The Guy asked.
"Um, I'm wo-" She wasn't able to answer as Her phone rings. "Excuse me.." She said and answered the call. "Yes, Yul?"
"Um, Sica.. I know it's already Dark.. but can You come here?" Yuri asked.
She's hearing loud cries from one of the Kids and it worried Her, "Of course! I'll come there.. What happened?"
"Um, Hyunbin and Mina got Their shots this morning and both of them have fever.." He said in a very worried tone. "And Yoongie here is wailing.. I don't know what to do.."
"I'll be there.. Don't worry.." She said then hang up.
The Lift stop at Their floor, The middle aged man look at Her. "Are You not getting off?" He asked.
Jessica shake Her head, "No.. I have to go somewhere." She said.
The Guy smiled, "You want me to bring You there?"

We Got Babies
RomanceJessica Jung hates going back to Seoul because of two people who broke her heart, one is her father who left them to be with another woman, another is Her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her. Kwon Yuri, is a chick magnet whose only sin he's truly aware...