Chapter 80:
"Eomma, are We going to see the twins again?"
Ryeowon smiled at Mina and nodded Her head, "Yes, We will visit the cute twins of Uncle Taeng and Aunt Tiffany!"
The Kids squealed, They love visiting the twins since They are so cute.
Yoong smiled, He's happy since He will get to play with Seohyun.
"Eomma, Yoobin will play with Yewee.." Hyunbin said.
Ryeowon chuckles, Her two boys are so smitten by Taeyeon's Nieces and She finds it really cute.
They arrived to Taeny's Home and was welcomed by the Two Cute little Girls and Their Mother. "Seohyun Unnie!" Mina hug the other girl.
"Yewee!" Hyunbin greeted the one year old little girl.
Irene smiled at them, "Seohyun, Yeri.. bring them to the playroom." She said.
The Kids run inside leaving Their Mothers alone, "Unnie, come in! Tiffany Unnie and Oppa are in the Nursery.." She said and take the older woman inside the House.
"Waaah!" They heard the Twins crying while they are walking up the stairs.
Irene smiles, "The Twins cry a lot.." She said.
Ryeowon chuckles, "Tiffany needs more patience then!"
"I know, Oppa and Unnie always argue about the Babies, They are so funny!"
They stopped in front of the Nursery and knock, Taeyeon opened the door and smiled at Ryeowon, "Noona!" He opened the door wide and let them in.
The eldest woman gave Tiffany a hug then look at the Twins, "Hi, Aunt Ryeowon is here again." She giggles, "They are so cute!" She happily said.
"They are the cutest!" Tiffany proudly said and kissed one of Her Sons.
She gave birth with Twin Boys four months ago, They are having a hard time taking care of the twins but they are getting used to it and now They are enjoying Parenthood.
"Waaah!" Taeyeon rush to the other Baby and gave Him a kiss too.
"My Handsome Junmyeon is jealous!" Taeyeon said.
Ryeowon creased Her eyebrows, "Junmyeon?" She asked in confusion, "I thought Your Boys' names are Kim Jin and Kim Suho?"
"Those are Their nicknames.." Taeyeon said.
"I call Junmyeon, Suho because I want that name.. It means Guardian, He will be His Siblings' Protector since He is the oldest child.."
"Oh! I see.. Why didn't you just named Him Suho?"
"Taetae likes the name Junmyeon more but I want to call Him by his nickname same goes with Jin." Tiffany said then look around as She noticed something, "Where are the Kids by the way?"
"They are in the Playroom." Irene said and take Suho from Taeyeon then kiss Him, "I wanna have a baby boy too!" She said.
"Yah, just borrow My Boys sometimes! Yeri is still young to be an older sister.." Taeyeon told His Younger sister.
"I know, Oppa!" She said and gave Suho back to His Father and excused herself to look after the kids.
Tiffany put Baby Jin on the bed and laid Him next to His twin brother and let Her Husband play with Their Babies.
Ryeowon look at Taeyeon and smile seeing Him happily playing with His children, "Aww, You look cute!" Taeyeon look at Her then smiled widely, "You look good with Your Kids.."

We Got Babies
Storie d'amoreJessica Jung hates going back to Seoul because of two people who broke her heart, one is her father who left them to be with another woman, another is Her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her. Kwon Yuri, is a chick magnet whose only sin he's truly aware...