Chapter 58:
"Oppa, I borrowed Papa's phone!" Mina happily said when She went in the playroom.
Yoong smiled and take the phone from His Sister, The two younger kids gather around Him to see what He is doing.
"Did You asked what's Momma's name here?" He asked.
"Momma!" Hyunbin answered.
They wanted to call Jessica and ask Her to go back since They always see Yuri sad.
"No, I mean.. What's Momma's name in the phone?"
Mina pouted, "Um, Isn't it, Momma only?" She asked and Yoong shake His head, "Um, Maybe Momma Sica.."
"Papa don't say Momma Sica." Yoong said.
Hyunbin clap His hands, "Shika Bay-bee.." He said.
Mina and Yoong look at their baby brother, "Right!" Yoong exclaimed.
Mina kiss Her Brother's cheek, "Hyunbin is so smart!" She complimented that made the little boy giggle.
Yoong who is now very familiar on how the mobile phone works search for 'Sicababy' on the contact list and called Her via video.
"Why Momma's not answering?" Yoong asked. "Maybe Momma don't love Papa anymore." He said.
Hearing this made Hyunbin pout, "Momma bad.."
"No.." Mina shake Her head, "Eomma said Momma Sica's sleep is different to Our sleep because Momma Sica is far away." She said.
"Oh.." Yoong said.
"Yul~" They heard Jessica's sweet voice. "Do You know what time is it here? It's 2a.m here.." She groaned.
The Kids look at the screen and saw Jessica's sleepy face.
"Momma!" They all squealed.
Jessica was surprise to see the Kids instead of Yuri, "Oh, Babies!" She said with a smile and waved at Them. "Where is Papa?"
"Papa's with Eunbi in the room." Mina said.
"I see.." She said. "Um, Why did You call? You miss Momma?" She asked.
"Yes!" The Three Kids answered in unison that made Her laugh.
"I miss You too.."
"Momma, go home.." Hyunbin said.
"Yeah, Papa's always sad because Papa misses Momma a lot.." Mina said.
"Yeah.. Papa's always quiet.." Yoong added.
"I wish I can fly there and be with You but My Mom.. Your Grandma is not feeling well and I need to stay here for awhile but Momma will go back maybe in a couple of weeks.."
Mina pouted, "That means, Papa will be sad forever?"
Jessica sighed, "I'm so sorry, Kids.." She said.
"It's okay, Momma.. Papa said it's older people's problem and Papa will fix it.." Yoong said.
"I hope everything will be fine soon.." Jessica said and smiled, "Just tell Papa that I love Him very much and I miss Him so so much, Okay?"
"Yes.." The Kids nodded, "Momma, go back to sleep now. Love You!" Mina said and send flying kisses to Her.
"Momma, wuv You!"
"Love You, Momma!" Yoong wave at the screen.
"I love You too.." Jessica smiled, "Bye, Bye!" She waved then hang up.

We Got Babies
RomansaJessica Jung hates going back to Seoul because of two people who broke her heart, one is her father who left them to be with another woman, another is Her ex-boyfriend who cheated on her. Kwon Yuri, is a chick magnet whose only sin he's truly aware...