Chapter 1

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Jimin stared at the humans happily. He was so glad that God allowed him to stay with the humans. They were very interesting creatures and intrigued him with everything they did.

He would go back to the forest and cross the border to the Angel world from time to time to check on his friends and family and make sure they knew he was alive.

He was most intrigued by his neighbor, Min Yoongi. The man seemed to hate everything living and walking except his puppy Holly. Which Jimin found cute and peculiar at the same time.

He greeted him every morning but Yoongi would just glance at him before grabbing the paper and going back into his apartment which made Jimin pout every time.

He was a meanie. Unlike any of the humans who became cheerful just by seeing him. He was an Angel after all and even though they didn't know it, his presence alone brought them joy and that made Jimin happy as well. So he was very surprised when he didn't affect this mortal.

He was sure he was because he couldn't see his wings so he wasn't an Angel and he didn't have both wings and horns so he couldn't be a Demon.

Demons and Angels didn't really get along but they weren't at each other's throats like a few centuries ago and lived peacefully now.

So when he made sure that the man was a mortal, it was only more queer s to why he didn't affect him.

"Good morning!" Jimin chirped as every day and the black haired male scoffed at him, picking his dog up and going back inside.

"Hey wait!" He stopped the male and pouted.

"Why do you never answer back? Did I do something wrong?" Yoongi looked down at the other.

"It's not you. It's me. I don't like human interactions or interactions in general. Now, why don't you fly off, Angel?" Jimin felt sympathy for the other until he heard the last few words and then he turned white.

"H-How did you-"

"Didn't recognize me, Angel? Maybe this form will make me more familiar." Jimin started to see the pitch black wings and horns on top of Yoongi's head and realized that the Demon had used a concealment spell for both humans and supernatural creatures. Unlike Jimin who only used it against humans.

"Y-You're a Demon!" Yoongi clamped a hand over his mouth as he glared t him. Jimin's eyes trailed to Holly when he barked and saw that he as well, had bat wings and sharp teeth.

"Shut up, Angel. Or I'll expose you and your world to the humans." Jimin's eyes widened in fear.

"Y-You can't do that! You'll bring back a war that has been solved ages ago!"

"Oh yeah? Well, I can bring it back with one wor and lead all the humans to your world."

"No! Please, I'll do anything!" Yoongi raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Anything?" Jimin gulped.


"Then get on your knees slave. And crawl into my apartment."

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