Chapter 9

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"Oh my god, you brought me here to be executed, didn't you? You didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye to my loved ones! Oh, my poor mom and dad who'll never see their beloved Angel's face." yoongi shook his head, disappointed at Jimin's dramatic words.

The Angel was actually having a great time running around Hell with Yoongi. He'd tried new foods - he honestly wasn't sure if it was wrong or not to eat a half cooked liver that still dripped blood - and also saw new creatures - if a lion and eagle hybrid was considered anything but a monster - and best of all, he'd enjoyed annoying Yoongi the most.

The Demon had a tick mark on his forehead and his horns had started to show. Something Jimin had learned, was as sensitive as his own wings and could turn Yoongi on. He tried touching it multiple times but the Demon dodged his attempts every time.

Jimin shrieked loudly as he jumped back, his wings curling up on each other as he glared at Yoongi.

"That is so low, Demon."

"You're the one who's been trying to touch my horns for the oast two hours. Speaking of which, time to go." jimin pouted because even if all these Demons were disgusting and impure, it was kinda fun hanging out here, though he didn't appreciate the looks and glances.

"Fine. And I swear I will tell Jungkook next time you or any of your perverted subjects try to touch my wings." Yoongi smirked.

"W-wait-Oh my god, I just told you not to touch! I even threatened you!"

"You forgot something, pretty Angel. I'm a Demon."


Next time Jungkook came to visit, Jimin and Yoongi were on either side of the room and glaring hatefully at each other. He backed away from the Demon's side and went over to his blood brother.

"Is this something both of you do regularly or...?" Jungkook trailed off and Jimin huffed, finally looking away from Yoongi and turning his crystal honey eyes to Jungkook.

"What is it Jungkook?"

"Jin-hyung is giving birth." Jimin's eyes widened and his mouth fell open in shock.

"It's been six months already?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow before nodding. He was actually quite excited because Jimin was going to come back which also means another chance for him to try and convince the older Angel to come back to their world.

Jimin really wanted to go but then Yoongi might do something and he gave the Demona side-way glance, before sighing and turning to him.

"Can I go?" Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked away from them, tching.

"Yeah sure, you might get another person to lay with." Jimin turned red in anger and finally snapped.

"I TOLD YOU HE HIT ON ME. ONE OF YOUR SUBJECT. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? GO AHEAD AND TELL THE HUMANS, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE YOU ASSHOLE. Let's go, Jungkook." Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hand and spread his wings, taking flight and dragging Jungkook with him.

What no one noticed, was the small patch of black on the base of Jimin's wing. And they would never notice.

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