Chapter 2

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"W-What? No!" Jimin shrieked in outrage and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Well then, I guess you can expect a bunch of humans and reporters at the borders-"

"Wait! Wait! Okay!" Jimin put his hands up to stop Yoongi from going outside the apartment. Yoongi crossed his arms and waited and Jimin thought about running for it and warning everyone so they could relocate but they could never do that fast enough before the humans got there.

He shakily got onto his knees and crawled into the apartment, his face burning in shame and he tried his best not to curse the Demon inside his head.

The dog, Holly, bounded after him and licked his cheek but Jimin couldn't get himself to coo because this was the dog of the Demon currently blackmailing him.

"Get up, slave." Jimin got up and glared at Yoongi.

"Yah, what's with that face? Smile. Aren't Angels supposed to be happy and cheerful creatures?" Jimin scowled.

"Not when they're being blackmailed and forced to act as slaves." He mumbled and the Demon blinked before bursting out in laughter, Jimin's eyes widening in shock at the action.

"Cheeky little Angel, aren't ya? We'll get along just fine after you move into my apartment and-"

"Woah, woah, woah, move into your apartment?"

"Yes, I own you. You're mine now. I have to keep my eyes on you at all times, even in the bathroom." Jimin blushed a deep red.

"Oh heavens no."

"We don't use holy words in this household, Angel. We're all unholy here." Jimin guiltily looked down as even his ears turned pink and Yoongi grinned.

"Thinking unholy thoughts, Angel?"

"No? None of your business anyway."

"Obviously it is, you belong to me now."

"No, I don't. Who do you think you are? The Demon King?" Yoongi went silent and stared him down, Jimin turning pale and putting his face in his hands.

"You're the Demon King, aren't you?"

"In the flesh, Angel."

Jimin seemed to somehow be digging his grave deeper with everything he found out about this Demon and just wished he had kept his mouth shut like every day instead of going up to him.

"Why are you here? And why do you have to blackmail me?" He mumbled with his face still in his hands, too scared and embarrassed to look up.

"Well, I like to escape my duties from time to time and also, you know, it's my job to annoy almost everyone who meets me. Now, how about we go to your apartment and start packing, yeah?"


"I think what you mean is 'Yes Master', but if you don't want to, I could always call the-"

"Okay, okay! We can go and pack my stuff..." He mumbled something in the end and Yoongi mockingly pretended not to hear, placing his hand next to his ear.

"What did you say? I didn't quite hear you." Jimin huffed and mumbled again, making Yoongi repeat himself and he turned beet red.


"Good Angel."

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