Chapter 15

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Jimin stomped his foot like a child as they landed in Angel territory. No one bothered to check on them because he was with Jungkook and also because they all knew him, the Angel god had picked to live amongst the humans.

He was very happy for Seokjin, he really was. But he couldn't exactly continue feeling happy after what had just happened in their apartment. Did Yoongi even feel guilty about what he said? How could he even think that after everything they've done?

Jungkook walked in front of him and Jimin followed, the younger Angel seemed to notice how bad a mood his friend was in but he didn't comment and for that, Jimin was grateful.

When they entered the small hospital - Angels didn't get injured a lot so there was no need for a larger one - and immediately went to the room Seokjin was.

The Angel was already holding a white bundle in his arms, from what Jimin could tell a little girl. Namjoon, despite his usual cold exterior, was practically bawling his eyes out, hugging and kissing both his mate and their daughter.

" came." Jimin could tell from his harsh and barely there voice how tired Seokjin was but that didn't compare to the happiness both parents felt at having their child with them now.

"Of course, hyung. I would never miss it, she's so beautiful." Jimin cooed at the baby girl who pushed her hands out and clenching them tightly. As if she was trying to hold onto something and Jimin held her so gently, like she could break any moment.

It made Jimin wonder what his and Yoongi's would look like, what gender they would be and tears filled his eyes. It was so wrong to think of this and yet he did.

"What did you decide to name her?" Jimin sniffed and gave her back to her parents, Namjoon holding her so that Seokjin could rest a little.

"Hyeri. Our little Angel." Jimin smiled and stayed for a little longer, making sure to never turn around so they couldn't see the part of his wing that was black.

"You don't have to go back to that Demon, Jimin. You could stay with us, easier and happier." Jimin held Jungkook's hand and smiled sadly. If Jimin hadn't met Yoongi, Jungkook would've probably been the ideal mate for him and he didn't think that the Angel would've had any problem with it.

But they both fell in love with Demons.

"Take care of yourself, alright Kookie? And don't let anyone tell you to not do something that you know will make you happy." Somehow, Jungkook knew what Jimin was talking about and blushed, words getting stuck in his throat.

Jimin spread his wings and flew away, it didn't take him long before he was landing in his and Yoongi's apartment. It was dark and silent and Jimin sighed, going to the kitchen to see around five empty cans of beer.

"Yoongi." The Demon looked at the Angel, who smiled sadly at him. Yoongi wished he could get drunk, wished the pain would go away but no one but Jimin could make it go away.

"Come on, Demon. Get up." Jimin helped him up and Yoongi hugged him, burying his face in Jimin's neck.

"'M so sorry, Minnie."

"It's okay, baby." The Angel didn't fight as Yoongi kissed him, slow and gentle and soon they were tangled in the bedroom. Their song of love filling the air.

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