Chapter 4

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"Hey, Angel do you want-WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THE ROOM?"

Yoongi looked around the room in a panic, seeing the walls all painted and Jimin on a chair, brush in hand as he hadn't finished painting one side of the room yet.

"Well, it's so dull and boring in here and you didn't actually think I'd keep still now, did you?" Jimin crossed his arms and smirked, Yoongi rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Hey, hyung-woah, this is so cool." The one Jimin guessed was Taehyung - since he knew the other was Hoseok and he didn't think there was another Demon in the house - said as he looked around and Jimin slapped his hand when he reached for the wall.

"Don't touch. It's not dry yet."

"Fiesty. Is that how you are in be-"

"Taehyung, shut up. As much as this is nice and all but who gave you permission to my mess with my room." Jimin pretended to think.

"Well, technically, you did. You told me to move into here and told me that it is my home as well and I can't have it looking so dull and...demonic." Jimin batted his eyelashes at the Demon innocently and giggled, turning back around to continue his work while Yoongi's eyes twitched, this Angel was the definition of a Demon, as ironic as that sounds.

"Maybe I should send you to hell and let you see what we do to those who disrupt our houses." Jimin turned and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you gonna do? Spanke me, oh Demon King?" Taehyung smirked.

"Actually, that's exactly what we do."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Hoseok gives the best spanks, leaves the most bruises. Think I should hand you over to him. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do." Jimin was horrified when Yoongi turned to go back to the living room and he quickly grabbed him by the shoulder.

"No! If you do that I'll-I'll run away and tell God to banish you!" This was all lame and he realized that but he didn't want to be spanked like a naughty child.

"Banish me where? Hell? That's where I rule, Angel and besides, I'd drag you down, down, down with me." With every 'down' he said his fingers trailed down Jimin's back and squeezed his butt, making the Angel squeal and pull away from him.

"S-shut up! Just don't call that Demon."

"Will you do it again?" Jimin pouted and huffed.


"No what?"

"No Master."

"You two are so kinky and I'm loving it. This is like a scene from a drama." Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the popcorn in Taehyung's hands and his chippy cheeks that were filled like a chipmunk's.

"Where did you...?"

"I quickly went and grabbed it when Yoongi mentioned spanking and Hoseok. Hyung's been listening this whole time as well. He's behind the door."

The horror on the Angel's face made both of them burst into laughter.

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