Chapter 10

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Five Months Ago

"Want to go out?" Yoongi suggested after he saw how gloomy and annoyingly sarcastic Jimin was being. Yoongi would ask a simple question and he would get a snarky comeback and he wasn't sure how long he could hold himself from snapping at the Angel as well.

Jimin seemed to actually perk up at the thought of going out from this miserable apartment but Yoongi stopped him just before he entered their room.

"But don't get any ideas. I've got my phone with me and if you try anything, say bye-bye to everyone." Jimin huffed and glared at Yoongi before slamming the door shut.

Yoongi rubbed the bridge of his nose, hoping to hell this trip would brighten up the Angel's mood or he was going to set this place on fire just because he could.


Jimin took a deep breath, the cold November air felt so good that he was practically jumping for joy while Yoongi just stood back behind him in all black clothes while Jimin being opposite, wore all white clothes. His white beanie on top of his golden locks with his white sweater, coat, jeans, and boots, he looked absolutely flawless if he did say so himself.

It wasn't completely snowing since it wasn't December yet but there were some piles of snow lying here and there and Jimin bent down to make a snowball, grinning deviously, thinking that he could throw this in Yoongi's face but when he turned around, the Demon was gone. He frowned, looking around for a ball of black somewhere but he couldn't.

Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him and he turned around just in time to see Yoongi before his face was stuffed full with freezing cold snow and he was coughing some that had gone into his mouth up.

"Hey! That was uncalled for!" He pouted and Yoongi shrugged.

"You were the one about to hit me with that," Jimin smirked and then Yoongi also found himself with a face full of snow as Jimin laughed loudly at the Demon's mad face.

"Oh, you're so gonna fucking get it." Jimin gasped and tried to run away but not before Yoongi grabbed him from the back of his coat and shoved some snow down his back and the Angel squealed, trying to somehow get the snow out of his clothes.

"Meanie! You have no feelings!" Jimin cried out and Yoongi snorted, his lips curving up in amusement at the Angel's whining.

"Come on, I think this is enough fun for you. We have to go to the store, I need to buy stuff so we don't starve." Jimin pouted more but followed the Demon. Walking around the town was fun, most of the humans knew him and they got so happy at the sight of him which made Jimin feel so much giddier than he already was.

This is why God sent him here, to make these people happy. And yet, yoongi was glaring hellfire at them which made Jimin push him and frown at him.

"Stop, don't scare them. They didn't do anything to you." He whispered and was surprised when Yoongi complied and kept his face neutral.

He wasn't looking as they passed the road and was walking very slowly so when he heard the honking of a car, his eyes widened and he froze in place.

The car would have hit him if it weren't for Yoongi pulling him onto the street and flush against his body.

Jimin was still shaking in fright. The impact with the car wouldn't have injured him much but the fact that Yoongi saved him just made him think that maybe the Demon wasn't as bad as he let on.

"What the fuck were you thinking?! You could've gotten hurt!" Yoongi scolded him and Jimin looked down guilty, fidgeting with fingers.

"Sorry..." Yoongi sighed and Jimin could've sworn he felt the Demon's hands around him tighten before he let go.

"Don't do it again. Let's go now."

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