Chapter 17

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"I have to nurse her, Yoongi." The new dad pouted at his Angel, holding their daughter close to him. It was like the two were inseparable ever since she was born and as cute as it was, she was hungry and it was obvious with the way her face scrunched up and looked like she was going to cry.

The demon finally relented and handed his daughter over to her mother so he can feed her.

Their idea of a new castle and world had been heard through all the realms. A lot of creatures flocking over to them to see if what they'd heard was true.

All kinds of creature mates came to live in the large castle with them as well as build homes around it and some mates even surprised Jimin.

Werewolf and Fairy. Vampire and Angel. Demon and Fairy and so many more. It was a sight to behold.

Jimin looked out of the window at the many mates and smiled, looking down at his daughter who was suckling gently on his nipple, like she didn't want to hurt her mother.

She was absolutely enchanting. Her pretty ebony hair and fair white skin, just like her father and yet her chubby cheeks, nose, and lips were all Jimin. Her eyes were a mix of both of them and a bright purple color. Her wings were even more beautiful, a white one and a black one.

They named her Eunkyung, which meant a graceful gem and that's exactly what their baby was.

Eunkyung finally let go of his nipple, completely full and sated for now. Jimin smiled and placed her on his shoulder to make her burp, though she was already falling asleep in his arms.

"Yoongi." Jimin softly called out and it didn't take a moment for the Demon to appear next to him and he happily took his little girl from Jimin to take her to her room.

Jimin wobbly followed after them, not having completely recovered from the pain of giving birth to Eunkyung. But everytime he looked at his mate and daughter, it was all forgotten and his face split into a smile.

"My pretty little girl. Daddy's pride and joy." Yoongi cooed as he placed her in his crib and kissed her forehead.

"You're so soft for her." Jimin teased as Yoongi came out of the room and the Demon scoffed.

"As if you aren't." Jimin hummed as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's shoulders.

"Well of course. She's our little baby." Yoongi smiled and leaned down to kiss him.

"Want to make another one-OW!"

(Another one of my books coming to an end. I would've hoped this would join the others on my old account but life has other things planned for me. My first fic finished in this account. Yay! Don't worry, I'm working on a lot more and hoping to publish them soon.)

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