Chapter 5

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"Where do you think you're going?" Yoongi glared at him with crossed arms and Jimin froze. having been in the process of putting his shoes on.


"Right, get your behind back inside before I spank it." Jimin immediately took off the shoes and sat down on the couch, anything to get away from that Demon and his threat of spanks.

"Why do you want to keep me here? What do you want from me?" Yoongi smirked as he leaned in, Jimin leaning away as far as he could until his head was laying on the armrest and his body was on the rest of the couch.

"I just love watching little Angels like you squirm and try to deny that you don't want me. I'm gonna make you admit you want me on top of you, pleasuring you to no end." Jimin turned a darker shade of red with every word and quickly pushed the Demon away. The other laughing loudly at his expression.

"I-it's not funny! You're so-so unholy!"

"I told you we're all unholy here. Besides, you should've seen your face." Jimin blushed again and slapped Yoongi's chest repeatedly.

"You're insufferable. Fine, I'll go and paint the kitchen now."

"Don't go near the kitchen." Jimin raised an eyebrow at him.


"It's a sacred place and only I'm allowed to enter. Last time someone entered they almost burned it down. And by someone, I mean Taehyung." Jimin smiled a little and snorted.

"You sound like Jin-hyung." Yoongi frowned at the mischievous look on the Angel's face.


"Oh, you know Namjoon, right? The general? Well, Seokjin is his mate. You sound like him because he also loves his kitchen and Namjoon-hyung always breaks something when he goes in there because he is very clumsy despite being a general so he's banned from there. But, you know, despite all you said, I'm still going in there."

"Yah!" Yoongi dashed after him as the Angel laughed loudly, turning to look at the Demon trying to grab him and he quickly turned the corner to the kitchen and stood in the middle, sticking his tongue out.

"See? I've been here for more than a few seconds and I haven't broken anything." Yoongi huffed, out of breath from running after Jimin and glared at the Angel. He tackled him to the ground and they rolled over, Jimin not being able to control his laughter even though he had his hands pinned over his head.

"I will punish you." Jimin teasingly smirked at Yoongi.

"Will you, Master?" Yoongi confidently smirked and pushed his leg between Jimin's and the Angel's eyes widened.

"No, no, no, no, don't you dare get near me while thinking of doing unholy things. I don't want a trace of black on my beautiful pure white wings." Yoongi sighed and got off of him, ruffling his own hair and stretching his arms.

It was known that when an Angel was intimate with a Demon or any other paranormal being, their wings would start turning black. Patch after patch until all of it was a dark as night. After it's completely black, you can never enter Heaven again. While if you only had a few patches, it is still okay but the society would shun and look down upon you, knowing you did something with a Demon, not going all the way but still something.

Jimin was a good Angel, always listening to his hyungs and not straying far from what they told him. Just being here with this demon - Demon King - was against everything they had taught him.

He wasn't going to risk anything else.

"Are you going to get up or am I gonna have to carry you? Cause you look fat and I'm too lazy to do it." Jimin glared at him and punched his shoulder once he got up and Yoongi rubbed the place with a scrunched up expression.

"Don't call me fat, Demon," Yoongi smirked.

"Or what?"

"I will unleash on you the greatest of Angel's weapons." Yoongi snorted at his expression.

"Yeah? Go ahead, but you're still gonna be fat."

"Now you've done it."

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