Chapter 13

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Two Months Ago

Jimin may have ignored Yoongi for a while, moping over the fact that everyone would be so disappointed with him and Jungkook would probably be very mad with him. He would walk ashamed through Heaven with the small patch of black feathers on the base of his left wing.

"Jimin." The Angel moved away from the voice and warmth of the Demon and wrapped the blanket tighter around himself. He'd also refused to look at his wings anymore after seeing it for the first time and had cast a concealment spell so that no one sees it either.

"Leave me alone." Yoongi sighed and ruffled his hair, grabbing the blanket and ripping it off from Jimin's grip, the Angel squeaked and tried to grab for it again but Yoongi threw it away.

"No, you will get up and eat your lunch and if I have to pick you up and shove it down your throat, I will." Jimin huffed and crossed his arms, getting up and going to the kitchen, reluctantly sitting down.

Yoongi watched him and sighed, he went behind him and caressed his soft blonde hair. He didn't miss how Jimin tensed up and he leaned down to place a kiss on his temple.

"What we did isn't wrong and what we'll continue to do isn't wrong either. The color of your wings doesn't change you." Jimin looked down and Yoongi saw the glittering tears drop onto his lap and he pulled the Angel into his embrace.

"They'll hate me, K-Kookie will be disappointed." Yoongi smiled a little and stroked his hair again.

"Jungkook would never be disappointed, besides, he's falling for two Demons himself."

"H-how do you know?" Yoongi chuckled.

"Where do you think Hoseok and Taehyung have been?" Jimin's eyes widened and Yoongi smiled again, leaning down to press his lips against Jimin's, both of them sighing in content.

Jimin broke away first, a ghost of a smile on his face as he finally relaxed. Love wasn't wrong, being in love wasn't wrong.

It didn't matter that he was an Angel and Yoongi was a Demon.

They were in love and at the moment, they didn't care.

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