Chapter Nine | Kidnapped (At Last)

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[Finally! The main point of this story has finally arrived! And yes, contains gore. Read at your own risk.]

Y/n awoke with a hopeful heart. 'Today's the day Hiroto and I visit Nagumo and Suzuno!' She decided to visit Hiroto and walk with him to school.


"Hiroto? It's Y/n!" The door opened, revealing Hiroto in his school uniform, holding his school bag. "Hey Y/n! Do you want to walk to school together?" "Yep! Let's go!" The two friends walked together, chatting comfortably, unaware of the boy following and watching them. "That girl shouldn't be hanging around that thing. He's dangerous." He muttered to himself. The boy's name was Fudou Akio, aka one of the best monster hunters in all of Japan. And his current target was the vampire Kiyama Hiroto. He was a student at Raimon, just like Hiroto and Y/n, but he often didn't attend because he was too busy chasing monsters. However, he did spend enough time at school to have developed a certain interest in Y/n. (Yeah he's got a crush on you. Score!) For now, he would hide in the background monitoring Hiroto's actions towards the H/c girl, and make sure no harm could come to her.

"You've got History first? That's too bad, I've got Science." Y/n pouted at Hiroto's statement and moaned. "Nooooo, why can't we have a lesson together for once?" "We could always skip school?~" "Hell no! You may not care about school but I do! We're only skipping if there's another attack!" Y/n rolled her eyes and walked off, but no mess than two minutes later, amongst the hubbub rose a scream.

"AAAAARRRRHHHHGGGGG!!!"  Y/n ran  towards it, and shoved through the crowd, to see someone laying in a pool of blood. "Afuro!" He wasn't dead, he was very much alive, he just looked to be in a lot of pain. "Y/n!" He seemed relieved to see a friend. "Afuro! What happened to you?" "I was attacked. I don't know who by, but I can tell you one thing-- This school is no longer safe." The students around them erupted into screams and panicking, until several teachers came and herded everyone towards the exit. Afuro claimed he was fine, and so was sent home, but on one condition-- a friend had to monitor him. So that got sorted out. Y/n didn't want to stick around for long, so she went with Hiroto to the shrine nearest their houses. She didn't feel safe at home alone and something about being alone with Hiroto in his house seemed eerie so this was her bet and option.

What she had forgotten though, was that she was supposed to be meeting Suzuno and Nagumo with Hiroto today, so guess who was already there? Yep. Suzuno and Nagumo.

"Y/n! Is this your-- Hiroto!" Suzuno was startled too day the least. "Y/n, step away from him right now! He's not who you think he is!" Nagumo yelled, fearfully. "W-what? Nagumo, Suzuno, Hiroto, what's going on?!" "He's not a human, he's a vampire! He's responsible for the recent murders and attacks!" Y/n felt faint. She turned to her "friend" and gasped. Gone was the Hiroto she knew and loved. His hair was a shade darker, his eyes had a purplish hue, and the fangs--they were huge. He wasn't wearing his uniform anymore, but rather a long purple cloak, a white shirt and black trousers, and a red neckerchief. He smirked at her. "What's the matter Y/n, shocked?" Y/n began to back away, but Hiroto reached out and grabbed her wrist, which triggered something within the Demons. "Get your hands off her!" Nagumo yelled and raced to Y/n's rescue, Suzuno close behind him. "Make me." he smirked and pulled Y/n into his chest, covering her with the cloak. Y/n couldn't see what was happening, but she could hear screams from Nagumo and Suzuno, and hear heart pounding I have to her chest. The smell of blood penetrated the air, and Y/n's eyes welled with tears. 'Nagumo, Suzuno, no!' She thought sadly

"Now you're finally mine, and those troublesome Demons aren't a problem anymore." Y/n looked up into the eyes of her kidnapper with fear. "Y-you're a m-m-monster! Let go of me!" She struggled in vain. "Aaw, that's cute, you really think you can get away! You really are the perfect belonging. I trust Nagumo and Suzuno explained what a belonging was to you." Y/n felt faint. She weakly nodded. "Then you know exactly what's to come then, don't you! Just do everyone a favour and be a good girl for me, won't you?" Y/n shook her head, causing Hiroto to frown. "Oh, don't be like that. You know there are punishments if you aren't a good girl." Y/n was terrified, but she did not want to go with him. Do she did the first thing that Dame to her head-- she kicked him in the leg. Being a hundreds of years old vampire, Hiroto was not harmed at all. He was, however, angered by this. "Y/n, Y/n, it almost seems like you want to be punished. I'm afraid I'm going to have to harm you now, and I don't want to do that. But, at least I can get the first half over and done with this way." In one quick motion he had her pinned up against a nearby wall, her back facing him. He covered her mouth with his hand and watched in amusement as she struggled. He leant forward and rested his fangs gently on her neck, torturing her with the anticipation. "Ready?" Y/n shook her head, tears slipping down her face. Hiroto laughed coldly and sank his fangs into her flesh as she screamed, and drew out the metallic tasting blood. He continued for a few more minutes before he felt her body go limp in his arms, and he knew that it was time to stop. He pulled out his fangs from her neck and kicked the spot where blood was now dripping down her neck. "You have such delicious tasting blood, it's a shame I couldn't drink for longer." he sighed, and then picked Y/n up bridal style and made his way to the shrines portal. He muttered something and then disappeared in a flash of purple smoke. Now Y/n was in the monster world, and things were about to go from bad to worse to terrible.


I'm done! What did you guys think, was it good? I tried to pack in as much detail in, and also make Hiroto a pervert as well. Comment any ideas or suggestions, I love you guys so much! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, bye! Have a good day/night!

-Author-chan 💋

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