Chapter Twenty Six | Hiroto Knows Now?

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[😂😂😂 The pic at the top tho]

"Y/n! We were so worried!" The moment the door opened, I was crushed by a hug from Shirou. "S-sorry, I should have--" "No excuses, I don't want to hear any of it. [Hey guys Shirou's mother mode has been activated lmao] You look tired, let's get you inside." I found myself being pulled inside, and before I knew what was going on I was sat on the sofa, with a blanket round me.

"My god we were so worried, we saw you go off with Sakuma and I honestly feared the worst." He sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. "You should have seen Gouenji, absolutely furious. I'll admit we probably overreacted, but we didn't want anything happening, not with the recent events..." He trailed off.

[3rd Person POV]

"What is it?" Y/n broke the thick silence. Shirou sighed and looked her in the eyes.

"Hiroto knows. About you, and well..." He didn't need to continue. Y/n understood all too well. "He.... He does?" "I'm afraid so. But we won't let him take you back, not this time. Even if it means putting an end to him all together..." He muttered the last sentence.

"..." Y/n had no words. She wasn't too surprised really, but she was scared. She looked up when she heard a faint chuckle. "You two having a moment? Sorry, I'll come back later then." It was Atsuya.

"We are not 'having a moment'." Shirou said indignantly. "Suuuuure~. So, I assume you've told Y/n?"

"Yeah, he has." Y/n finally spoke, trying not to let her voice shake. She couldn't stop the fear wavering in it though, which Atsuya picked up on. "Aw, don't be scared, Shirou, Gouenji and I are always gonna protect you, okay?" Atsuya said, gently sitting on the other side of her.

"Thanks..." She smiled weakly.

"Are you two terrorising her again?" The twins turned their heads at Gouenji's voice. "No! What gives you that idea?!" "She looks like she's just seen a ghost. Let me guess, you told her?" The two nodded sheepishly.

"And I assume you forgot to mention that he can't do anything while she still has that choker, not to mention the protection fluid?" More nodding. "You dense puppies, geez."

He walked round and crouched on front of Y/n, smiling gently at her.

"Hear that? You're perfectly safe here. As much as they're dense, these two will look after you. So you got nothing to worry about." He ruffled her hair and then walked off, leaving the three alone.

"Sorry Y/n for worrying you." The Twins said simultaneously. Y/n gave a small smile. These two... They were a right pair, but they were too adorable to ever be mad at. "It's fine, I know you didn't mean it." Yay, hug time. Okay timeskip for no reason. :D


Y/n yawned. What time was it? Apparently she'd woken up in the middle of the night because of something outside.

She swung herself out of bed, wearing that same grey nightgown the Demons had gotten her. She padded over to the window and peered out into the darkness of the woods.


Wait, no. There was something down there. And Y/n was going to find out what it was.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" Y/n froze at the sound of a voice.

"Atsuya? I ... Couldn't sleep?" She lied. "Oh, okay. Me neither." He replied, rubbing his eyes slightly. "Wanna stay up with me?" Y/n nodded. She knew she'd not be able to sleep again now, so she agreed.

They ended up curled up on the sofa together, just curled up under dozens of blankets, just silently enjoying the company of each other.

Atsuya fell asleep first, and Y/n took a moment to think about said sleeping coral orange haired boy. He may be a reckless idiot and a dumb flirt, but he was deep down inside still a heart-of-gold gentleman. Y/n smiled at the thought and slowly drifted off to sleep herself, forgetting all about what woke her up in the first place.

Mhmm that's right Meri updated again shit just got real okay I'm super tired imma go now. Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan ❤️

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