Chapter Seven | The Fight

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[So I chose B) since it was easier to write. Also don't mind the gif at the top. It's just something I found.]

When the lesson was over, people, including a nervous Y/n, had discovered the blood. And a corpse. This was if course unsettling and disturbing, but to get a real feel for it, let's flashback to Y/n's POV.

Rrrrrriiiinnnngggg! That's the bell. I grab my stuff and hold it close to my chest, making sure I didn't bump into anyone. Since my desk was closest to the door, I was first out. I walked down the hallway before I stopped. The sight of the dead body in front of me caused me to scream, alerting other students. There was more screams and then someone burst into tears. Presumably they knew the person. It was horrible, the sight was sickening. The victim had clearly been attacked at the neck, but the odd thing was there was no blood. In fact, if you looked close enough, it didn't look like they had any blood, except the small trail next to it. I nearly threw up at the sight but I didn't, thankfully. I saw Afuro stood near me, he looked up at me and flashed a tiny reassuring smile, before frowning again. I was scared. And then the thought hit me. They'd been killed by a vampire. Oh god. That meant there was a vampire on the school grounds. One things for sure, I am getting out of here. They'll send us home anyway-- yep, that's the announcement. Time to get out of here and find Hiroto.

Now Y/n was running to the shrine. She'd ended up not being able to find Hiroto, but she still wanted to be with someone she felt relatively safe around, so her next thought was Nagumo and Suzuno. She raced around the corner, only to see Nagumo and Suzuno arguing.

"I don't care if you want to, he just murdered someone!" "Well what do you expect, he's an Incupire, half Vampire!" "I know, but it was at the school Y/n goes to, and I fear for her safety!" "He won't eat her, she's too precious to him!" "Not that you Moron! He wants her as his belonging!" "What?! Why didn't you say so?!"

She accidentally stepped on a twig, causing the two to whip around in anger. "Y/n! You-- aren't you supposed to be at school?" "No...there was an....incident..." "Was it a murder? We already know." "Y-you do? H-how?" Suzuno gave a wry chuckle. "We are Demons you know. We do have to know this information, especially if it involves someone like you." "It does? H-how?" she squeaked. "You're a possible target. For murder or something else." Y/n's face paled. "I c-could be a t-t-target?" Nagumo glared at Suzuno. "Now look what you've done!" he hissed under his breath. "No, sweetheart don't worry, we wouldn't let that happen to you, you're safe with us. Right Suzuno?" "Of course you are. Now, come here." Y/n meekly trotted over to Suzuno, who pulled her into a hug. It wasn't at all what age was used to. With Hiroto's hugs they were rather tight but comforting, whereas Suzuno's were looser but calming. They were interrupted, however, by a voice from the shadows.

"How touching to see that you honestly believe you can protect her." Suzuno pulled Y/n away and pushed her towards Nagumo, who wrapped his arms around her protectively. "Who speaks?" "Oh Suzuno, you know fully well who's speaking. So do you Nagumo. The question is, does Y/n?" Y/n shook her head in fright. "Good. That makes this a whole lot easier." The shadowy figure did something unclear to them, and the entire shrine was slowly covered in a purple looking cloud. "Don't inhale it! Whatever you do, don't inhale the gas!" Nagumo clamped his hand over Y/n's mouth, but it was too late. The world began to spin for Y/n before it all went black.


Aaaaaand... Done! No, you aarent being kidnapped yet, and the fight did not go as I planned. However, it did go better than I thought, so yay! You'll be kidnapped soon, I promise, but spoilers, you aren't yet. Also yes, there will be a lot of gore from now on. What, I did warn you. Hope you enjoyed, bye!


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