Chapter Ten | Help Me!

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[Okay I know the pic at the top has nothing to do with the chapter but I find it cute so it's staying.]

Y/n awoke in an unfamiliar room, on a red silk queen size bed. A four poster, actually. " I?" she muttered to herself. She felt incredibly weak and sitting up almost made her fall over. She noticed that she was no longer wearing her school uniform, instead a  black dress:

'Okay, what the hell?' She knew that she didn't put it on herself, so who did? Then it all came back to her: Hiroto was a vampire

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'Okay, what the hell?' She knew that she didn't put it on herself, so who did? Then it all came back to her: Hiroto was a vampire. She gingerly raised her hand to her neck and felt a bandage wrapped around her neck, and then a sharp pain when she pressed gently on it. 'I need to get out of here!' Y/n stood up and walked over to the door. Thankfully it was unlocked. She peeked out and saw several maids in the corridor, but the strange thing was they all had snakes for hair and yellow skin, cracked in places. 'Snake monsters.' She thought. She moved on and found a set of stairs, leading down into another hallway. She heard sounds coming from one door in particular, so she crept over and listened. She couldn't make out any distinct words, but she recognised the voice as Hiroto's. Y/n was scared. She didn't want to face him right now, but it seemed she had no choice.

She knocked on the door gently, and it was almost immediately thrown open. "Y/n. You're awake. Good, that means we can get straight to work." Hiroto instantly pulled her inside the room, which turned out to be another bedroom, where several maids were standing inside. "W-what? Hiroto, w-where even are we?" Hiroto laughed. "The monster world, of course! It's your new home, so I hope you like it. Now, tonight there is a celebration, since I found a belonging, and we must attend. And we need to find you some appropriate attire, since you couldn't possibly go like that." He sat her down on the bed and instructed the maids with a few orders, then left.

"So, my lady, which dress shall it be?" "Uh um..." "Perhaps we shall pick for you?" Y/n nodded, unable to speak. "What about this one?" (Pretend there's long black gloves with it.)

Again, she nodded, not wanting to argue

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Again, she nodded, not wanting to argue.

Y/n stared at herself in the mirror. She didn't recognise herself. Her [Hair length / hair colour hair] was [Style you like], her body clad in the black dress. She wasn't wearing make up, since apparently she didn't need it, but she was wearing gloves. "Sir will love the way you look." one maid commented as she put away the other dresses. "He will...?" Y/n asked, and the maids nodded. "Come, let us take you to him." She was escorted out of the room, down another set of grand stairs, and there stood Hiroto, in a black tuxedo, black cloak and a red neckerchief.

"My my, you are a sight for sore eyes." Hiroto commented when she entered. "Thank y-you..." she quietly responded, and Hiroto offered his arm to her. "Let's go then, shall we?" Y/n nodded and in a flash they were no longer in the hall, but rather a large fancy looking party. "Hiroto! You made it. I take it this is your partner?" A green haired sprite approached Hiroto and shook his hand, before turning to Y/n and gently kissing hers. "It's a pleasure to meet you,  Y/n." Y/n blushed slightly and Hiroto chuckled. "A gentleman as always, eh Midorikawa? Always have to impress girls." Midorikawa chuckled. "I don't know what you're talking about. Well, I going to go back to Kazemaru now. Have fun.~" The sprite walked towards a boy that had scales scattered around his body, fins of his arms and gills on his neck. 'A merman?' she thought. "Well, I'd best introduce you to everyone. Ahem, everyone? May I have your attention please?" Hiroto got everyone's attention and began to speak.

Y/n P O V

"This will only take a minute, but I feel its important. Everyone, please meet my new belonging, Y/n." There was a round of applause, and several wolf whistles and comments, that made me rather uncomfortable. "Well, if it isn't Y/n." a familiar voice sounded out, causing me to pale. 'It can't be...Afuro?' "A-afuro?" The blonde beauty walked into sight, and I have never been more confused. "Hello Y/n. Miss me?" "'re a...a..." "I think the word you're looking for is a Siren, dear." He chuckled, and I paled. "B-but you my school!" He frowned. "Yes, and I must say it was most unenjoyable. Seeing more creatures doting on you was most unfortunate. But now you're here, so everything got sorted out. Bye Y/n.~"

End of Y/n POV

Afuro left them, and Y/n turned to Hiroto. "So do you know everyone here?" Hiroto nodded. "Yes, except the werewolves didn't turn up, as usual. Do me a favour and don't go near those woods over there-" he pointed to a nearby forest. "-since that's where they live. Okay, stay here a minute." Hiroto left her alone, and not a minute after he'd left she heard a beautiful song.

She followed the sound of it, as it lead her just into the edge of the forest, and she saw Afuro there. Her mind was clouded, almost as if she was in a trance. She walked up to Afuro, mesmerised, and he instantly pinned her up against the tree. "Its such a shame that Hiroto gets you as his belonging. Maybe I'll change that.~" and he leant forward and captured her lips in a sweet kiss, breaking the trance. Y/n was surprised but kisses back, unaware of the fact that this was the process sirens went through on order to have a belonging. He'd nearly completed the process when something pulled him away and sent him crashing to the ground, unconscious.

"Thank goodness I got here in time, or else he'd have completed the process. You're Y/n right?" Y/n nodded, slight  wary of this stranger. "I see. Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself. I'm..."


Mwahahaha! Cliffhanger! I'm sorry, I'm so evil. Comment who you think it is or who you want it to be! Yes, it's a werewolf. There's your clue, now get guessing! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Love you all! Bye!

-Author-chan 😘

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