Chapter Nineteen | The Bond Is broken

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[Yeah, the pic above is... Well, yeah, that. I don't know why, but I loooove self-shipping. You know, when a character is drawn being shipped with another version of themselves (usually an evil version). That probably makes me super weird. Oh well, enjoy the chapter!)

Y/n awoke in a dark room, laying on something. 'Where am I? Who was that? I'm screwed I'm screwed I'm screwed I'm--' Suddenly, a person seemed to appear suddenly in the room, and the room itself lit up. "Nice to see you're finally awake, Y/n." Oh. My. Afuro. It was Hiroto! 0w0 this can't end well...

Y/n glared at Hiroto as he came and sat on the bed beside her. "What's with the face Princess? You knew I'd get you eventually. So sneaky of you to run off with Fudou, you know the Werewolves were worried sick. They felt so betrayed, like they couldn't trust you ever again. They must hate you now." He taunted. "That's not true..." I uncertainly said. "Of course it is, which is why I took you back. I was willing to forgive you, unlike the others." I looked down sadly. "They won't forgive me..." Hiroto shuffled over to me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm afraid not, but I'm still here for you Y/n, if you'll let me." "If I let you...?" "Mhm, I want you as my belonging, then no one will be able to harm you and we'll be together forever." I looked up into his green eyes, and thought for a moment. 'They would forgive me, I just know it. Hiroto is tricking me!' I frowned at him. "You're trying to trick me!" "Clever girl. Guess I'll have to use the other method instead."

Suddenly, I was laying on the bed with Hiroto hovering over me. "Sorry Y/n, I hoped it wouldn't end up like this. Oh well, this might hurt a bit." He leant down, locked my neck and then bit down into the flesh, sucking the blood from the veins. I screamed in pain as my vision began to blur.

Just as I was about to black out, Hiroto removed his fangs. "Can't have you fainting on me." He smiled cruelly. "W-why are you doing t-this...?" I choked out from under the pain. "Because I want you for my own and I will have you, no matter the cost." He glared at me. "Why me?" He laughed. "Why you? Because you are the most perfect specimen I've ever seen. How could I resist?"

I didn't get to answer as he once again sank his teeth into my flesh, but only for a minute, before taking them out and biting another part of my neck/collarbone. 'He's gonna make a mess of my neck! Oh crap I have to stop him!' I panicked, but there was nothing I could do.

Once my entire neck was coated in blood, he stopped. He then clipped something around my neck and I felt a severing pain in my chest and I tried to pull it off but it just hurt even more as it seemed it had welded itself to my skin.

(What goes around your neck)

Even though it had never happened before, I knew what it was: Hiroto had broken my bond with the Demons altogether and I was now fully his

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Even though it had never happened before, I knew what it was: Hiroto had broken my bond with the Demons altogether and I was now fully his. "Beautiful. But I think you need a dress to match."

He clicked his fingers and in an instant I was wearing an organza-esque dress (above)

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He clicked his fingers and in an instant I was wearing an organza-esque dress (above). "I'm sure won't be trying anymore escapes now you know what happens." He coldly said, adjusting my choker and occasionally wiping away blood. He then smirked. "You know, I think you should see just why I like your blood so much." He grabbed my wrist and brought it up to his mouth and bit it, just like what he did to Nagumo that time (if you remember which chapter this was from I swear to god I will love you forever and ever) and once the fresh blood was out he forced it up to my lips and in my mouth. He forced me to swallow the mouthful of blood, evidently enjoying this torture. 'Oh god.... Someone please save me.' I thought as my last shreds of hope were ripped from me.


Yoooooooooooooooo it is done! Man, last chapters a/n was so depressing, let's liven this one up a bit! *Clicks fingers and the scene turns into a party* Yeah that's what I'm talking about! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT SAYING LAST CHAPTER!!!! I hope you guys didn't forget my undying love and affection for each and every one of you. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Byeeee!

-Author-chan 😘

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