Chapter Fourteen | Meeting More Creatures

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[Again, the pic at the top has nothing to do with the chapter, but I find it soooo adorable so I'm using it. Enjoy!]

Y/n awoke in the same icy bed as before, the only difference being that she could not see Nagumo or Suzuno anywhere. "Nagumo? Suzuno?" She called out for them, feeling on edge about being along. "He-hello?" she called out again. 'I need to find them!' She swung herself out of the bed, and realised she was wearing a different outfit to the one Hiroto had provided for her:

 'I need to find them!' She swung herself out of the bed, and realised she was wearing a different outfit to the one Hiroto had provided for her:

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It was a purple dress; a mix of red and blue, Nagumo and Suzuno's colours. 'Why am I wearing a dress like this? Don't tell me...' She had a horrible thought, but pushed it to the back of her mind. She exited the room, and glanced around. There was no one around. And then she heard the shouting and crashes. Y/n instinctively ran towards it, and she burst in to the room, only to be met with a terrible sight.

It was a fight, between Hiroto and Nagumo and Suzuno, and they were yelling at each other as well. "How dare you take Y/n from me?! You had no right!" "At least we're not going to drink her blood, you half vampire ass hole!" "What I do with my belongings is my choice! At least I would be able to please get in bed!" "Why you little-- Gah!" Nagumo was sent sprawling to the floor, causing Y/n to stumble and trip backwards. "Y/n!" All three of them yelled. "W-whats going on?" she cried out. "You're no longer Hiroto's belonging, that's what's going on!" Suzuno explained. "B-but how? I-i thought-" Hiroto laughed. "You can't be serious. Y/n, come here now." "Don't! Or else you'll end up his belonging again! We'll set you free, he won't!" Nagumo interrupted. "Y/n, come, now!" Hiroto ordered. Y/n squeaked in fright, and went to go over to Hiroto, but Suzuno quickly pulled her back towards him.

"You really want to go back to him, after all he's done to you? Stay with us!"

Hiroto snarled. "Suzuno don't you dare try and take Y/n from me!" He rushed forward but Nagumo stopped him. "Now would be a great time to get Y/n out of here!" He yelled to Suzuno. Suzuno nodded and pulled Y/n towards him, and in a flash of blue smoke they were in the forest. "Furthest place away from there I could think of." He explained. Y/n's legs felt weak, and she would've collapsed if Suzuno hadn't caught her. "Careful! I guess that took a lot out of you, huh." Y/n weakly nodded. "Well, you're going to need to regain strength, and quickly, but that's going to prove impossible, unless... Yeah, let's do that." He picked Y/n up into his arms and gave her a rare smile. "If you're afraid of heights then close your eyes." And with that, he began flapping his large wings and lifted them both up off the ground. Y/n gripped Suzuno tighter and closed her eyes. A few moments later, she felt solid ground beneath them. "It's alright, you can look now."

She opened her eyes to see them at the entrance to a large cottage, looking like something out of a fairy tale. "Don't be fooled by the outside, the people who live here aren't very pleasant towards humans." Suzuno warned. He set Y/n safely down on the ground and helped her over to the front door, and knocked.

The door opened revealing a tall, ginger/brown haired boy, who almost reminded Y/n of a lion. He narrowed his eyes when he saw Suzuno. "What do you want?" He spoke in a deep voice. "Genda, listen, we don't have much time. Long story short, this girl is rather weak and we need a healing potion. Please." He said desperately. "Hmm. I suppose I can do that. But only for the girl. She's rather cute." Y/n blushes. "You'd best come inside. Kidou, we've got company!" he yelled to presumably someone in the cottage.

Genda lead them into a room with all sorts of strange things in it, with a big cauldron looking thing in the centre. "Kidou, we need a simple healing potion for this girl. Suzuno, I assume that this is Yn, correct?" Suzuno nodded. "Yep, she was Hiroto's belonging- I assume you know what happened." "Yeah, I must admit it's kinda sad, what Hiroto did. Oh, and Y/n? Be careful, you're every movement is being tracked- by a monster hunter." Y/n was confused, but Suzuno on the other hand, was rather angry. "Let me guess, that freak Fudou? God I hate him with a passion." Y/n timidly spoke. "H-he's that m-monster hunter, r-r-right? Is it b-bad t-that i'm being t-t-tracked?" Suzuno thought for a moment. "Yes and no. Yes, you could be targeted or unintentionally be the cause of harm for a monster. No, because all they can do is see where you are, they can't actually do anything to you." Y/n seemed a little relieved. "So I-i'm safe?" Genda gave a scary grin. "Oh, you're safe- for now, at least. And i'm not talking about the tracker, oh no, I'm talking about him." Genda said, pointing at the doorway behind them. 

"Hello Y/n.  Miss me?" It was...


Hahahaha cliffhanger! Lol no just kidding.

It was Hiroto. Uh oh.


Okay, there you go. See, I'm not that evil. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Love you all, bye!


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