Chapter Twenty Two | Titania's Story

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[So the pic above is what I think the twins could look like when not in wolf form but obviously not in football uniforms. Actually normally they wear just like t-shirts and jeans but they'd be all ripped cos they're wolves and stuff Idk or they could just look like regular humans.]

I woke up laying on an unfamiliar bed, with something large and fluffy laying on me. I looked at it and realised it was a wolf, more specifically Atsuya. I looked to the side and saw Shirou smiling at me. "Sleeping beauty is awake." He chuckled. "Wha...?" "Atsuya, you can get off her now. She's awake." Atsuya let out a whine but got up and jumped off the bed anyway, reverting to his normal form. "Good morning Y/n. Have a nice sleep?" "Yeah...what happened? That black stuff, it was everywhere, what was that?" Shirou and Atsuya glanced at each other, and nodded. "That was protection fluid, it's an ancient form of magic used to protect someone close to the bearer. It was woven into that vase, and because you were the one who placed the flowers in it, it attached itself to you. Don't worry, that's a good thing. It should provide extra protection against Hiroto. Oh, and the flowers are fine too."

I sat in silence thinking. After a minute, I finally spoke. "But why did it react like that?" "Well, that, we don't actually know. Normally it just binds itself to the female or male in speaking, but this time is different. It may have something to do with the girl before you. You see, you and her are related, and both of you have deep inside of you a special kind of magic that attracts monsters. Your looks do help with that too though." "So what you're saying is that I'm a special snowflake of  a belonging?" "Exactly. Couldn't have put it better myself." Atsuya grinned. "I want to know more about her. This girl. The one before me." I said. "Well then, we'd best visit the demons. They knew her better than anyone. Her name was Titania, by the way." I stood up at once. "When do we leave?"


"So you want to know about Titania huh?" Nagumo asked. I'm currently sat with the demons at their home. I need to know about her, Titania. "Yes." "Well, you've come to the right place. Where to start...well, it began similarly to how you came here, Hiroto kidnapped her... Why don't we show you instead?" Suzuno nodded at Nagumo's suggestion, and without warning he leant forward and crashed his lips into mine. My vision went white and scenes began to fill my head


A girl with long blonde hair struggled against the wall, screaming. "Let me go! I trusted you, and you murdered my friends!" "Well that was your mistake then, wasn't it?" The red haired incupire pinning her up against the wall laughed coldly. Titania screamed as her blood was consumed by Hiroto, and then she went limp.

"G-get off me! I didn't mean to! It was Byron, he lured me there!" Titania tried to push Hiroto off her, but to no avail. "I know, but I still don't want you around those werewolves."

"Titania! Oh, I'm so happy you're okay! Me and Suzuno were so worried! Hiroto didn't do anything too bad, did he?"Nagumo looked at Titania's neck and let out a small "Oh..." Suzuno pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry you became the belonging of such a barbaric monster."


My vision returned to normal and Suzuno pulled his lips off mine. "Well?" I blinked and looked at him. 'Her situations mirror mine.' "History is repeating, isn't it?" Nagumo nodded. "Unfortunately, and if we don't do something, you'll end up like her." "What's she like now?" "Y/n, darling, she's dead. We...we couldn't save her from Hiroto..." Suzuno blinked his tears away. "He still blames himself for what happened. He was holding her in his arms when Hiroto killed her." Nagumo whispered. "O-oh..." [Don't worry, that probably won't happen to you. The story is only like 1/7 complete, so yeah. i'm aiming for at least 100+ chapters, so yeah] "So, now you know why we're trying to protect you so much?" "Yeah, I do. Thanks for telling me all this, it clears up a lot. I just hope I don't end up like her." "You won't, Suzuno won't let it happen again. That I can promise. He may be a cold-hearted jerk but I've known him for as long as I can remember, if he's one thing it's loyal." [Aaaaw NaguSuzu is otp].

I sighed. I learned a lot today, but is it good that I know about Titania? I guess so, if I didn't would history repeat? I don't know... "Heh. You're over-thinking again Y/n." Oh yeah, I'm actually laying with Atsuya right now. Yeah, he said it would 'make me relax' and honestly it has. "Sorry, but I've had a  long day." "Don't apologise, I understand completely. You should be happy, you're not gonna be taken away by Hiroto any time soon." "Does that mean I will at some point?" "What no! I meant... shut up, you know what I meant." He blushed. "Heh. Now who's the one over-thinking?" I mocked. "Oh shut up!" "Make me-- mmph!" I was cut off by Atsuya kissing me. "You're so cute when you blush Y/n. What's the matter, cat go your tongue?" I couldn't say anything I was blushing too much.


Another chapter down! you know I spend like 40% of my life just writing for you guys, I'm like a machine or something. I hope you guys enjoyed! Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan <3

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