Chapter Twenty Eight | The Truth

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[So I know this is wayyyy over due bit here you go I guess also I'm writing this in my English class so sorry if its awful :/]

I've decided to go out tonight and see if I can find anything. This is either the stupidest idea I've ever had or one of them at least. Well it can't be any worse than it already is.

"Y/n? Where are you going?" Ummmmm what do i say? "I'm going for a walk, if thats alright." I said with a quick smile. "Alright. Just don't be out too long, alright? See you later." I smiled and stepped out the door. 

This forest is really nice, i've got time before i need to go back, i can walk around for a bit.

 I started down the now familiar path, and smiled when i saw the spot i met Midorikawa properly. That was fun, i hope i get to see him again soon. 

"Y/n? Didn't think i'd run into you here." I paused. 'I recognise that voice! But who...?'

I turned to see Endou, but he wasn't alone. With him was Kazemaru, which was a pleasant surprise. "Oh, hey you guys. Didn't think i'd see you here either." "Yeah, we're were just wandering around a bit and boom! Ran into you. Funny, huh?" Endou grinned. 


I spent a lot of my day with Kazemaru and Endou. We went to the beach a bit, i met a few other mermen and mermaids, as well as other centaurs. They seem to be the nicest, more wholesome monsters, and i like that."

"It's starting to get a little late. Maybe you should start to head home? We'll come with you." Kazemaru stated, looking up at the sky. "Yeah, i wouldn't wanna worry Shirou. He turns into such a mum!" I giggled. 

Just as we were nearing the werewolves, i saw it. A sudden movement, darting between two trees. It was just like that night! "What was that?" "Huh? What was what?" I shook my head. "Nevermind. Thanks for today guys, it was fun." "Yeah, we enjoyed it too. Right Endou?" "Yeah! See you round Y/n!" And with that, the two retreated back down the path, towards wherever they were going. 

My smile turned to a frown the moment they were out of sight. 'The hell did i just see? I know i saw something! Am i going crazy?' I decided to walk round the back of the house, to where i saw the original movement. Maybe i'll find a clue?

Bingo. There's footprints here! Seemingly normal ones, but i know several monsters that look pretty 'normal'. I searched around a little more, but i couldn't see anything. Jut the few foot prints, and they dissapeared as soon as they appeared. Almost like thed person landed there, and then...dissapeared, or flew away.... Ugh, my head hurts. Y'know what, i'm going inside.

"Y/n! We were starting to worry, you're okay aren't you? Good, are you cold? Atsuya, grab a blanket." I giggled, as soon as i walked in Shirou's mum-mode kicked in, and he becan fussing over me too much.

"Poor Y/n, being smothered like that. What are you so worried about? She looks fine to me." Gouenji shot me a smile and turned back to Shirou. "Uh...well, i can't be too careful!" "God, aniki, sometimes i think you care more about Y/n than your own brother." Atsuya joined in, with a theatrical sigh. 

"Leave him alone you two, honestly you're such bullies." I laughed. "I'm fine Shirou, i don't think you need to worry so much." "Yeah, you're right. Sorry Y/n..." He said guiltily. I giggled "All is forgiven. Anything happen while i was out?" "No, don't think so." 

"Oh, wait," Atsuya dissapeared into another room, then came back shortly after, holding something. It looked like a journel. "Nagumo and Suzuno dropped this round today, they said you'd know what it was." He handed it to me, and i instantly felt a pang of something through my chest. 

"Thanks. I'm gonna go look at this in my room, 'kay?" "Okay. See you later." I took the leather-bound book into my room and placed it on the bed next to me. On it's cover, in gold lettering, was two words.

"Titania's Story."


Hey! I'm back! Yea, i figured i best do something productive, so i finished up this chapter. Next few chapters will be focused on Titania, and how she is linked to Y/n. The sory is around half done now, i guess i want about 60-70 chapters. I actually have it all planned out, but naturally i won't stick to it knowing me. Also, bread sticks are amazing. I was eating them for most of this chapter, when i wasn't in english, and i am now addicted to them. Only 85p from Tesco, this chapter is brought to you by tescos. Jk but now im addicted. So, that's all for now. Love you all, bye!

-Author-chan <3

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