Chapter Twenty | Shirou has a bad side

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It's been...actually, I don't know, but it's been a while since I was fully Hiroto's belonging. I found out from an ancient looking book I found that the choker was an ancient artefact that could claim any girl for a monster instantly no matter what the stage was. Interesting. Not. Being like this sucks! I've given up escaping, it's hopeless. All I can do now is stay with Hiroto, or hope someone rescues me. '______________' Welp this sucks.

"Y/n! Can you come here for a minute please?" I heard Hiroto calling my name, so I went into the room he was in, and to my surprise Shirou and Atsuya were standing in there with him. "Since you've been so good for me, I decided you can go stay with the werewolves for a week or so." I smiled for the first time i what felt like ages. "Really?" Hiroto nodded. "Yeah, your bag's already up there, go get changed into something more suitable and then you can go." I ran up to my room and frantically shoved on my outfit and then took a moment to make it look like I hadn't just been dragged through a bush backwards

(Yeah so the outfit refuses to work but it's just a slightly oversized white shirt and light blue skinny jeans.... Hold on I can improvise! Ready? Ta da! 👕👖.... Sighhhhhh this is why I have like 2 friends.'____')

I rushed downstairs and joined them, Hiroto gave me a kiss goodbye, and then we made our way to the werewolves home. Once we were there, we walked inside in silence and when Atsuya went ahead of us I was suddenly pinned to the wall by Shirou.

"Why did you do it?!" He yelled. "Wh-what?" "You went back to Hiroto, you know exactly what we're talking about!" "I-I didn't d-do it in-intentionally!" I was scared. Like really scared. "Intentional or not you still did it! It's the stupid artifact, isn't it?" He placed a hand on that awful choker. "Y-yeah." He glared at me. "Well it's a good thing we got you here then, isn't it?" "W-what do y-you-- Ah!" He bit me! He freakin bit me! That's all I could think as the world turned black.

I awoke with a huge pain in my shoulder...What the fudge happened to me....? Shirou! He bit me! That's what happened! Wait... when we got there it was nighttime...was moon the at the highest point in the sky... DO I BELONG TO SHIROU NOW?!?!?! WHAT THE--

"Y/n!" I heard Shirou calling me. Fuck. I mean Fudge. Shush. Well, I best see what he wants. I went downstairs to see Shirou sat by himself, looking really sad. "Yes Shirou?" I sat beside him, and as soon as I did he pulled me into a hug and started...crying? "I'm s-sorry! I'm so sorry!" He cried. "Shirou, calm down! Hey, why are you sorry?" He pulled away and wiped his eyes on his sleeve. "I...I bit you! And I yelled at you...I probably scared you, didn't I?" He looked at me with the saddest eyes and Oh mY GOd tHe FEeLs!!1!11!! "Well, yeah, but it's fine, I know you didn't mean it." He sighed. "But I still hurt you..." He motioned to my shoulder. "Uh, yeah, about that..." "You're my belonging now, that was kinda my intention from the beginning." "Does that mean you'll send me home?" I looked at him hopefully.

"No, it's too much of a risk. Although I won't keep you on house arrest like Hiroto did, don't worry." I frowned. "Well, I guess that's true. But I don't want Hiroto to target you, you could get hurt." "I'll be fine. You're the hurt one right now, we should fix you up first." He smiled at me and then got up, and then fetched a first aid kit. My white shirt was torn and bloody at the shoulder from where I was bitten, and to be honest it doesn't hurt as much as it did.

"Here, let's get that cleaned up." Shirou sat back down with the first aid kit. He looked at the shirt and smiled. "It's safe to say you'll need a new shirt." He easily ripped the bloodied and torn sleeve off and began cleaning the wound. It had already stopped bleeding, so Shirou just cleaned and bandaged it. "There, how does that feel?" I tentatively moved my arm a little and when it didn't hurt I smiled. "It feels good as new." "Good." He sighed. "I'm really sorry for causing it, I just--" I put a finger on his lips and shushed him. "It's fine, the important thing is you didn't mean it." He looked at me uncertainly, but I just continued smiling at him.


Aaaaaaaaaaand done! I had to get the werewolves in again, I wanted the reader to end up with them eventually, so that's why I included this chapter. I also wanted to address the fact that even though most of the time he's sweet at sugar Shirou can be a threat. Okay, that's all! Byeee!

-Author-chan <3

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