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"That was a really nice thing to do" Cole comments randomly during the ride back to his house.

I ignore him and continue staring out the window, counting cars.

"Awn come on, you're not still mad are you?"

It feels nice to be the one giving the silent treatment.

I turn up the volume of the talk show going on.

" ...so we're expecting calls, if you need advice or an adviser, call Jerry cause no one is wiser"

I scoff, "Real clever"

The phone rings on the show, "Hello, our first caller, what's your name?"

"Hi, my name is Cole"

My head snaps to the boy next to me with earphones in his ears.

"Hey Cole, what do you need advice with?"

He glances at me, "Well I accidentally made my friend feel bad and I need to know how to get her to forgive me"

"Well if it's a girl, then that's easy"

Cole raises an eyebrow, "How so?"

"She's a girl, just buy her something nice, slap a cheesy note on it and bam, she's at your feet"

This little asshole.

"Uh" Cole glances at me, "I don't think that'll work"

The guy laughs, "Trust me, all girls are shallow like that"

That does it.

I snatch the phone out of Cole's hand and unplug the earphones.

"Hi, shallow girl here, quick question, how bad does your mouth smell from spewing such shit all day?"

Cole bursts into laughter beside me, "like honestly your ass must feel so unappreciated and jealous  because quite frankly I have never heard such bullshit before in my life. Girls are not shallow, you narcissistic asshole, excuse us for having feelings and appreciating the thought that comes behind a gift. And can I just apologize on behalf of every girl you've met that makes you thing that girls are shallow or maybe it's just because you have too much testosterone seeping into your brain that you can't acknowledge the fact that you're a dumbass who knows nothing about feelings or relationships or even plain old affection. You sir are honestly a disgrace to sensible boys everywhere and part of the reasons our world is on the edge of oblivion. To conclude this rant, I'd like to address everyone out there, if you need advice or an adviser, don't call Jerry because I can promise you, he is everything but wise"

I hang up and throw the phone on Cole's lap, suddenly feeling much better.

"Uh" Jerry stutters on the radio, "That was uh, unexpected. We'll take a short break and be right  back"

I burst into laughter, "The poor idiot can't take a few hits to his ego"

I happen to look at Cole and he's looking at me, "I'm not getting you a gift because I value my life but I really am sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad, honestly"

I roll my eyes, a small smile playing on my lips, "I guess I forgive you"

He smiles triumphantly as he parks in the drive way.

I help him bring the groceries in and I'm greeted by the adorable bowl of cuteness that is Riley Matthews.

"Cowl, Bella!"

I drop my groceries quick enough to catch her as she flies into my arms.

"Hey guys" I look up to see Gabby and I'm hit once again by how effortlessly beautiful the woman is.

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