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You two looked absolutely adorable today" Tess muses absent mindedly, folding the last of her clothes into the drawer under her bunk.


Chelsea leans over the top bunk, her auburn hair falling over one side, "playing dumb doesn't suit you, B"

I look up at her and frown, "what are you guys talking about?"

Tess sighs dramatically and stands up so she's leaning against the top bunk, next to Chelsea. She folds her arms and smirks down at me, "You and a certain basketball captain have been getting pretty close lately"

I run my hands through my hair, huffing, "of course, I tutor him, remember?"

Tess scoffs, "last year you tutored Sebastian Webber and he's hotter than a bonfire in hell. You didn't spend as much time with him as you do with Cole"

"Cole is way hotter"

"I'm sorry, what?" Tess leans forward, her smirk widening.

I shake my head, "I said Seb wasn't my type"

"And Cole is?"

I glare up at Chelsea, "you guys know I like Cole and I don't have-"

I'm cut off by their collective squeals and if her head wouldn't have bumped the ceiling, Chelsea would've been jumping along with Tess.


"You just said you like Cole"

I frown, "no, I said I like Ryan"

Chelsea looks down at me, her eyes dancing with mirth, "nope, you said Cole"

"I said-" the words play back in my head and I feel my cheeks heat up under my friends' amused looks.

"Spill" Tess commands as she sits next to me on my bunk, grabbing my hands excitedly.

Before I can say anything else, Raven Summers jumps off her bunk and yells with finality, "get your bikinis on girls, we're going swimming"

Like we were all waiting for someone to declare it, we all scramble into our bikinis and I'm grateful that the topic has been dropped.

Before we leave though, Tess grips my forearm and sends me her serious glare, the one she saves for her little sister after she breaks something, "we'll discuss this later"

I roll my eyes and nod, fully planning on avoiding that conversation. I should be willing, happy even to squeal to my girls about how much I like Cole and what being around him does to me but that also consists of me admitting out loud that his heart belongs to someone else. That it'll never be mine.

When we arrive at the low cliff overlooking the lake, Tess and Chelsea don't hesitate to cannonball into the lake below.

When they resurface, they yell for me to jump in.

I consciously touch my hair, thinking of how it will look after going through lake water, "maybe later" I call out.


I laugh and stick my tongue out at them, as expected, they stick theirs back out and I laugh harder.

My eyes quickly scan the water and I frown, where's Cole?

Just then, I feel a warm pair of arms circle my waist and I go into cardiac arrest there and then. The arms pull me to a rock hard chest and I lose all ability to breathe.

His arms around my bare stomach burn my flesh, everywhere our skin is connected sets my body aflame. I shiver as he rests his chin on my shoulder and his breath fans my ear.

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