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Nope, I didn't disappear again


“We’re lost”

“No, we’re not”

“Yes we are”

“We are not”



“We’re lost”

I huff and turn to Cole, “we aren’t lost, we’re following the trail, we already found the snow globe and we’re on our way”

He raises an eyebrow and leans against a tree, “and what did we do when we found the snow globe?”

I roll my eyes and fold my arms, “we marked the tree”

He smirks and gestures to the tree he’s leaning on where the tree bark is chipped right next to his shoulder.

Well shit.

“Now will you let me read the map?”

I huff and grudgingly give it to him.

We’ve been in the woods for two hours and it has become clear that neither the sheltered rich girl nor the adored athlete have a drop of survival skills in them. We’ve only found two items out of ten.

“Come on grumpy” Cole tugs at my braid gently as he walks past me and leads us in the opposite direction.

I roll my eyes and trudge after him, mentally cringing each time my shoes press into anything remotely squishy.

“You know” I muse, “we can always just go back and quit”

He turns back to me and smirks, “no, can do princess. Besides when else am I going to get quality time like this with you?”

I bite my lip to hide my smile and hope he can’t see my burning cheeks, “just let’s find the rest”


“We’re lost”

“That, princess, is very true”

I huff and take the map from his hand, “how is it that you managed to bring us to the last item without going through the rest? We’re supposed to go through the rest”

Cole shrugs, “I discover new talents everyday”

I roll my eyes and after untying my flannel from round my waist and laying it on the ground, sit under a tree, “you’re extremely annoying Cole”

He grins and joins me on the floor, “and you’re unusually bad tempered today”

I roll my eyes, “I’m always bad tempered”

“Not around me you’re not”


I sigh, loosening and redoing the end of my pigtails, “I’m sorry, these woods have me in a foul mood and I’m worried about our routine tomorrow”

Cole reaches out and takes the second braid in his hands, mirroring my actions, “what’s wrong with your routine?”

I sigh, “Megan had a huge role in it and now that she’s out, I have to rearrange the girls and now we’re short on one person and there’s no one to catch me at the end which is like the most important part. So we have to do a whole new routine and it’s too late for that and that snarky bitch will never let me live it down"

Cole is silent for a minute, quietly braiding and loosening my hair.

“I’ll catch you”

I look up at him and he smiles down, “I’ll come in at the end, do some flips and catch you”

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