27: BANG

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Told you I was back😁

"Hey girlfriend"

I jump, causing my locker to slam shut as I spin. "Don't scare a girl like that" I snap, slapping Cole's chest.

He chuckles, flicking my forehead, "sorry, girlfriend"

I bite my lip, moving my hair forward to hide my blush, "I thought we broke up when the clock struck twelve on Saturday"

He blushes, "sorry, I just liked how it sounded. I'll stop now"

I open my mouth to tell him no, don't stop, I love it too. Instead, I say "don't worry, soon you'll be able to call Megan that as much as you want"

He blinks and drops his gaze as he nods, "uh yeah, look forward to it"

"What's that?" I ask before I say any other stupid things.

"Oh yeah, these are for you" he holds out the pink cardboard box to me, I reach for it but he pulls it back "It's a surprise, you have to close your eyes"

I roll my eyes, "it's obviously food, just let me see" I reach for it again but he pulls it out of my reach, "eyes closed"

I glare at him, "I swear if it's something nasty, I'll kill you"

He scoffs, "I'm terrified, now please princess, close your eyes"

I sigh, "Fine" I close my eyes and wait.

"Open your mouth"

"I swear Matthew's if you sti-mph"

My voice sticks in my throat as he sticks God-knows-what into my mouth. I stare up at him in question.

"Now chew"

I roll my eyes and reach up to pull the rest of the cookie out of my mouth, taking a huge bite in the process.

I watch him watch me with an expectant smile as I savor the sugary taste of the treat in my mouth.

I swallow and nod, smiling, "it's amazing, what's in it?"

He shrugs, "mom was trying new recipes with the cook book you gave her and demanded I brought you several samples"

I blink furiously, frowning a little as my vision blurs and my feet sway a little. It's particularly chilly today and all the ACs are on so when a lone trickle of sweat rolls down my back and I have to rub my clammy hands against my shorts, panic sets in.

"Cole?" I manage to force out through the lump of cotton slowly growing in my throat.

"Hmm" he answers nonchalantly as he stuffs what looks like a chocolate chip cookie in his mouth, several crumbs falling to the floor.

"Was there c-coconut in that cookie?"

He thinks for a moment-the oblivious idiot-before shrugging, "Maybe, I know she mixed in coconut shavings with like half of the batter, why?"

He looks at me and finally sees that something is wrong. "Are you okay, princess?"

I shake my head, in the time we got to know each other, I may have skipped over the very tiny but important fact that apart from the blonde hair, blue eyes and enormous self-entitlement, another thing I inherited from my mother, was a stupid coconut allergy.

However, the rapid swelling of my throat and increasing difficulty in breathing makes it impossible to tell the quickly panicking boy what is wrong with me.

Instead, I pray he's smart enough to get the nurse as my vision spots and I pass out in the busy hallway just as the first bell rings.


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