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I sat there staring at the monitor, wondering how it was possible that the world had no internet? How had anyone in charge let this happen? When a government official appeared on the screen. I recognised her face. She was the same one who had reported about the fire fuel and uploading all our information to the internet in the first place. This was her fault, if she hadn’t told us to put all our information in one place, this wouldn’t have happened. Anger started to swell within me for this person I hadn’t met. My report was gone because of her. I would never learn about our history of the old worlds again because of her.

“Citizens, it has come to our attention that as of early this morning the internet has been shut down. We have done an investigation into all of this and have discovered it might be terrorists trying to attack through shutting down our information source. We ask that you please not panic as we investigate further to try and find out who is responsible for this. Trust us and believe that we will get to the bottom of this. We have not failed you before and we will not fail you now. We will have the internet up and running as soon as we can. In the meantime, hang tight. Keep calm. And we will update you soon. Thank you.”

That’s it!? That’s all she has to say? They don’t even know who it is that did this? How can they tell us to keep calm? How is it even possible to keep calm in this situation?

Something is just not right here. As panic rises up within me the feeling at the pit of my stomach grows, I’m doubled over in pain as I hold my stomach, sweat dripping from my forehead and I’m flushed from what I can see in my reflection in the stainless steel oven door, I can hardly breathe and my head suddenly starts shooting with a sharp pain right between my eyes. Just when I think it couldn’t get any worse, it stops, and I’m gasping for air as if I’d dunked my head under water for too long and then, there’s an image that appears to me, clear as day, like a dream, but real.

The woman on the screen, talking to a grey- haired man, he is grey, but he has no wrinkles, he is young. She says, “it is done Sir, they are none the wiser, phase three, is it ready to commence?” “we are in the final stages of planning before we commence phase three Cassandra. I need you to investigate something for me. Some people in the main city. They know too much. Our Seer tells us they cannot ruin our plans do you understand me? They need to be eliminated. We need to keep this contained or it will never work. Erasing all the information of the world was a brilliant idea to set panic and have people on edge, a distraction so that phase three can commence unnoticed. We will be saviours Cassandra and have all the power in the world. This needs to be done”

Another gasp of breath. I cannot believe what I just saw. What was that? A dream? No, it can’t be. A dream happens when you’re sleeping. This was real. This must have been a real conversation between the woman on the news monitor and someone else. Someone I can’t quite place but I know who he is somehow. I’ve seen him somewhere before. Seldom, but we do get to see him on special occasions. He doesn’t like the cameras and limelight, that’s what Cassandra is there for. To do publicity for him. But there is no mistaking who he is. The President of the Order. The president of our country and the president of our world.

When the weather crisis had set in and the whole world was in panic, it was established by the United Nations that there be one president instead of so many governing over so many different countries.

They had come together to discuss that it be better for one person to rule over the world as there would be much less fighting among countries that way. Wars would end and there would be more peace.

It was then decided that this one president be elected in such a way that there would be candidates elected from each country, who would then campaign against each other and there would be one president from each continent who would enter the last campaign for international presidency.

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